I open my mouth to protest, but Raven continues. “We have gotten to a point where I can rut or I can fuck. A rut is much like your heat. A mindless frenzy. The difference is in the damage the two can do. Heat is a beautiful thing. Rut is destructive. You won’t survive it. Invite me.”
Never heard of the rut. I hesitate.
“Now,” he hisses.
I sling my dress over my head and hang it on a nail, not wanting it to wrinkle. I bend to remove my tennis shoes when Raven says, “You can leave those on.”
I nod and lie on the bed, then spread my legs. On cue, my pussy leaks clear lubricant, anticipating the penetration, coating her walls for an easy entry. It practically gapes for him, and the cramp in my lower belly pulses with force. I grit my teeth. “My God.”
“I have something for you to worship. My holy knot. You want it?”
I play with my folds. “Come in.”
“Say,come fuck me, Alpha.”
“Come fuck me, Alpha.”
“Come breed me.”
I stroke my clit fast, faster, slap it, and come. “Come breed me, you bastard!”
Raven laughs and steps inside, closing the door behind him. He looks around. “Your nest is beautiful.”
“Thank you.”
He sniffs the air. “No other Alpha has been here.” He taps his nose. “I’m it for you, Omega. There’s no going back. How is your pussy?”
My pussy pulses. The scent of him spreads in the small room, and my lungs can’t breathe fast enough. I want to eat the air. It’s thick with that muscly smell of cock and balls. I want to lick him everywhere. On my hands and knees, I crawl.
Raven crouches so we’re somewhat at the same level. He grabs my throat, squeezes. “Where are your toys?”
I don’t care if he knows or thinks he knows what I do during heat. “Under the bench.” I tap the bench.
Raven slides his hand from my throat to my breast and weighs it. “You’ve got big tits,” he says. “I love big tits. Gonna fuck those too.”
My pussy drips lubricant on the floor.
Raven opens the chest, one hand trailing from my breast, down my belly, to stroke my opening, teasing me, not touching my clit. I sit on his hand. He moves it away with a tsk and fishes out an object. He unwraps it from the clean towel and holds it up. It’s my eight-inch dildo.
He waves it. “Looky here. A big green cock with an inflatable ring at the base.”
My body burned with heat before, and now I’m embarrassed. I wipe sweat off my brow.
The prince continues. “Someone here is lying, and it’s not me. Pray tell me, Omega, which of the Hordesmen came to mind when you shoved this inside your pussy?”
“Why am I the only person feeling the heat?” I ask and hook a thumb at the waistband of histil.
He covers my hand with his. “Answer me.”
I tug.
He shakes his head. “Answer me, Omega, and I will give you what you need.”
“I was thinking about you.”
He grabs the back of my neck and brings me closer, dropping the towel and the dildo on the floor. Fingers tease my opening, and my eyelids droop.
“I admire the fight you’ve put up against your instincts. But know that I am determined to consume you for the rest of your days. Fight all you like, it is futile. I conquer all I set out to conquer, and I’m gonna conquer you, starting with your pussy.”