Page 41 of Alpha Hunger

“I can,” I state.

“He can,” her dad confirms, not that I require his confirmation. I let it slide and don’t correct him.

“Would you like a cup of coffee?” her mother asks.

I open my mouth to answer when my Omega interrupts. “He doesn’t drink coffee. I’ll go to the store and grab some fresh juice.”

“You will stay.”

“Or stay,” she says and shakes her head.

The man extends his hand. “Karim Bennett. Ben, if you want. This is my wife, Shannon.”

I shake his hand. “Raven.”

“Just Raven?” he asks.

Ah, he would like my titles. Naturally, he wishes to know if his daughter will be taken care of. “Prince of Regha, Conqueror of Earth, son of King Tayseer the Immortal Legend, and the Hunger Hordesman sent from the Lord Almighty to repopulate Earth.”

“Repopulate?” Anna asks.

“We breed Omega females.” I quote their scripture: “‘I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.’”

Anna gapes. “Is that from the Bible?”


“Nice to meet you,” Ben says. “What can I do for you, Alpha?”

I love military men. Love them hard. They race against time and get to the point quickly and efficiently. He knows I want more. He knows I need no permission from anyone to take my Omega. She is rightfully mine. So I get to it. “Tell me why you sent me an Omega.”

Ben chuckles. “We didn’t send her to you. She’s been looking for a job for over six months and nobody would hire her. I’m disabled, and my wife works long hours. We gotta pay for protection.”

“Karim,” the woman says.

“Don’t Karim me, Shannon. This alien’s gonna get it now. You listening, Hunger?”


“Good. The protection is expensive, and if you don’t pay, you become a target for gangs. I can’t afford to become a target. I have two girls in my house. So we barely make do, but we pay for the damn protection. That’s the kind of government you’re running, Mr. Prince.”

Men run the planet with their currency called money. I figured that out early on and have since acquired lots of their paper money to ensure I rule over the humans both with strength and currency. This man pays organized man units to protect his house. “The mayor provides safety for the districts. Is it not enough?”

“The liberals are the ones who are robbing me.”

“Dad,” Anna whispers.

“Interesting. Continue.”

“Rumor at my chess club is that that police force of hers is for show, but the real money comes from racketeering. And those damn pills.”

Like I said, I love military men. I have, in fact, allowed many in my ranks. They’ve sworn allegiance to the Horde and patrol various parts of the country on loud motorcycles. “Go on,” I encourage.

“People say the mayor owns the protection I gotta pay. She also owns the gangs that come if you don’t.”

“Besides the police force?” I ask.
