Page 5 of Alpha Hunger

“Don’t forget my PA chat,” I say.

“I’m dancing all over shit in excitement.”

“Check on the Bennetts for me.”

“Get a Telean to do it.”

“My PA is an Omega.”

Click.I hang up. That ought to get the Alpha Collector’s attention, bring him from the sewers, and deliver him straight to my office where he can confirm her faint Omega scent. Not that I need a confirmation. My dick has decided for me. I grip it and reposition it, letting it rest on my thigh.

Regha’s Omega population was scarce, though in much better shape now than before my father’s reign. When he found out human women display the Omega dynamic, he attempted communication with Earth, mainly asking for volunteers to come to Regha and mate with us. He promised protection for the Omegas, and he meant it. The humans ignored his attempts at contact.

From Regha, via the space gate, my father sent a peaceful contingent, which the humans captured and experimented on. Little did they know one of the people in the contingent was an Alpha female and my father’s sister. Naturally, when they did not return my aunt, he came for her. And we conquered Earth.

Tamika returns with my PA and leaves. Anna stands in the middle of the office, and I'm struck with an image of her barefoot and wiggling her ten toes. Human toes are some of the most fascinating parts of their bodies. They’re small projections and have hard shells on the top, sort of like our claws, but blunt. They use them for decorative painting. My PA also decorates her ears. There are five small holes on one ear, and she fits gold earrings through them.

I release my scent, then wait for her to catch a whiff. I know the moment she smells my dynamic. Her eyelids droop. She unbuttons her suit jacket, smooths out her skirt, fixes her hair.

Frank, my previous PA, quit, saying I overworked him. I don’t even know what overworked means. Unless I’m sleeping, I’m working. “Your desk is over there.” I point and hand her back my list. “Or if you prefer, the floor. Any corner will do. Blankets are in the closet. Help yourself anytime.”

Anna purses her plush lips and sits behind her desk, though I’m unsure why she’s sitting when she’s already behind on the list. It is well past nine of the human hour, and the third item on my list isn’t checked off yet.

Anna sips more coffee. I’d rather ingest human shit than drink coffee. Teleans and humans drink coffee, take elevators, and use skycabs. We Regha Alphas need no coffee to keep us alert or awake. We use stairs and travel via our loyal hounds.

The hologram pops up on her desk, and she stares at it, then buzzes Tamika. “Do you have a log-in for me?”

“He does,” comes from the speakers.

Anna turns and crosses her legs.

Those legs will spread wide open.My father warned me about being distracted. I smile, showing all my teeth. “PA2hunger,” I say.

“I’m sorry what?”

“Your log in. PA2hunger.”

“Are you serious?”


She types in her log in. “Password?”

“202-456-2122 underscore.”

“Yes?” she prompts for more.


Anna pauses and takes a deep breath. Nobody wants Silence back, and they celebrate me for allowing the tech and many other freedoms, some I’m uncomfortable with, but I am willing to please these aliens. Some of them bring me much joy, and I like making them happy. From the Human Alliance, I only ask for one thing in return. That all Omegas register. And I better find this Omega in the register.

Anna logs in to her screen. Leaning back, she views Frank’s database, namely the glaring red highlights of his missed deadlines. “Oh,” she says.

“Oh,” I repeat. “As you can see, I’ve been underserved for a cycle and everything is behind, including my laundry.”

“You have laundry?”

“Do you not?”