I rear back as if she slapped me. “How do you know he’s second-in-command? It could be any Horde male. Do you recognize his voice?”
“Who gives a shit? You sent the Horde to my aunt’s house.”
“For protection.”
“I heard the gunshots.”
“The Horde carries no guns. Everyone will live.”
“That’s not the point. Stay away from them.”
I lean my elbows on the table. “Your uncle fed you, my Omega, Betaren pills. Not just you, but I imagine thousands of others he’s probably identified via the blood tests I approved. The humans your people have put in power have abused every kindness I’ve extended, and now they will pay. There is nothing you can do for your uncle.”
“He is also a part of my family.”
“Yes, and I have spared him. A little hunger and punishment will clear his head. He’ll come clean about who he does business with so we can all get back to the regularly scheduled program, which for me and you means we can focus on breeding.”
“I won’t sleep with you. Let me out.”
“Where are you going?”
“Does it matter? You fired me.”
“You cannot leave.”
“What do you mean?”
“Exactly what I said.”
“Why can’t I leave?”
“Because you are my Omega.”
“I’m not your Omega. I’m your assistant.”
“Not anymore. Your blood and my venom mix.”
Anna slides down the glass and brings her knees to her chest, hugging them. “What do you want from me?”
“I want you to go back to my apartments and nest.”
She laughs, a little hysterical. “And then?”
“Then, when your heat comes, I will breed you.”
“After that?”
“You will meet my parents.”
“You deliver babies, and we do it all over again. The end.”
“What about whatIwant?”
My com unit vibrates. I curse and tap it. “What?”
“It’s done.”