“Are they Alpha females?”
“Omegas, of course. It is a well-known fact that if my father breeds a female, it will be an Omega. There are two in his line. Unheard of.”
“What do you mean by unheard of?”
“The Omega dynamic is rare,” the prince says and clicks his tongue. Junior turns left. “Both here and on Regha, but your numbers are greater than ours.”
“Hence you form packs for breeding purposes?”
I fiddle with the fur, pulling it tighter around my body.
“What is the matter, female?”
“Jesus, stop that.”
“You read my mind or emotions or something.”
“Not at all. I am attuned to your needs, and I pay attention to my priority. When you fidget, as you often do, you display discomfort. I’m puzzled why you fidgeted just now.”
“I did not.”
“You fidgeted. The end. Period, not the bloody kind.”
I chuckle. “I’m wondering about the Alpha pack.”
The prince rumbles from his chest, and Junior stops.
“Female, there will be no pack for you. I am a Sewa Regha male, and I do not share.”
“Okay, got it.”
“Excellent. We shall continue with our pleasant evening and never mention the pack again. Ever.” He rattles off some sounds, and I cringe. Being with the prince is like sitting in a nest of rattlesnakes. One just never knows when the snake will spring.
He rounds the corner, and we enter the street leading to the Stronghold. The Horde patrol the area and allow only pedestrian traffic. SDNU students stumble around the patrolling hounds and make space for Junior as he pushes through the crowd. Since the students are drunk off their asses, most ignore Junior’s rattling. He fusses, and the prince chuckles. “Junior isn’t sure if he wants to bite or escape.”
The hound stops and lifts his head. He rattles a gurgling sound a dragon might make as he spits fire. The vibration from his chest bounces off my ass, and I squeeze my thighs tighter, though it doesn’t stop my pussy walls from contracting and liquid heat from escaping.Oh, man.While I’m no stranger to the Omega heat, living through the experience of having an Alpha male around me is a whole different beast. My nipples stand proud like soldiers, pointy and ready to jab someone in the eye. The lace of the dress keeps rubbing against them, and I’m unsure if I like it or if it’s irritating.
The crowds part for Junior. Hoots sound as people cheer, and the prince, being the show-off he is, lifts his arm and waves. He taps my belly with a finger. “Wave at your people.”
I lift my arm, and people scream louder.
I am so not made for this kind of exposure. I keep my smile and hope it doesn’t look like a grimace. Cameras flash all around us. The photographers must have followed us, and I’m sure I’ll find myself on the front page of tomorrow’s papers. My dad will take the paper to his chess club and show it off to all his buddies, especially the ones who refused to loan him a few dollars when we needed money. Dad will enjoy having me on the front page, though I’m sure he’ll give me his opinion for making the front page with the Hordesman.
The prince clicks his tongue, and Junior takes off down the street, goes around the corner, and stops dead in his tracks before a taco shop. The force sends me forward, and I press my palms against his scales.Shit!I lift my hands immediately. No damage. He must’ve kept those sharp scales down. Thank God for that.
The prince dismounts and grabs Junior’s snout. He locks gazes with the hound and rattles something fierce. The hound matches his rattle.
The prince steps back and glares.
Junior peels back his teeth.
Okay,let me get off this ride real quick. I wiggle in the saddle, feet ready for touchdown.