She scratches her head. “I don’t know if I can do this. I mean, I came here looking for work, and I’m happy to work. I just can’t sleep with my boss.”
“We’re not going to sleep.”
“You know what I mean.”
Anna pinches her lips. “I’m not a prude, but still… It’s not appropriate.”
Humans are so strange. For Anna, I can adopt some man qualities. “Come to dinner with me.” I purr. I never said I play fair. She has no defenses against my scent and the purr. She must trust that although I will use everything in my power to get her under me, I will also take care with her.
Anna smiles. “I don’t know if you’re ordering me to dinner, or asking me to dinner.”
“Asking.” Ordering. “And you shouldn’t sleep with your boss.”
She frowns.
“You should sleep with your Alpha.”
Chapter 5
It’s after five. In the break room, I start a cup of coffee and stare at the dripping liquid. Like many women at a ripe old age of twenty-four, I dream about a man who’s gonna come into my life and sweep me off my feet, leave me breathless with desire while at the same time keep me safe and cared for, meet all my needs so I can rely on him when times get rough, when I can’t find a way on my own. Daddy has been that man most of my life, up until he lost his leg and fell into a depression. He wanted to contribute to our education and income in the house, have my mom work less and be home more, but when he looked for work, nobody would hire him. All his friends turned a blind eye, and suddenly, he ended up alone. This nearly killed him.
Uncle Randy attended my sixteenth birthday party at the bar Mom works at. We chatted almost the entire night, and when I finished homeschooling a year later, he got me a spot in the university from which I graduated cum laude in record time. I am not particularly smart, but I’m a hard worker. I don’t want to end up like my parents, poor and struggling for every penny. I want to live near the Hordesmen’s Stronghold, in those nice high-rises that overlook the beach. I want to get my parents out of that shithole.
But I am an Omega. A breeder. A woman who’s valued for what she can produce from her womb, not from her brains. This is all the Hordesmen’s doing, my mom had said. While inequality toward women had always been an issue in the States where women got paid less than men for the same job, the Alpha, Beta, and Omega dynamic woven into the human population has affected us greatly. I refuse to be the creature who crawls around the prince’s feet, begging for dick. I will be the woman who earns her own money, and therefore freedom.
Coffee done, I sugar and cream it, then sit at the worn round table. Scratches mar the old wood, and I wonder how many PAs have sat in my place, thinking they want to flee.
When my uncle offered me Betaren, I accepted the pill. I had no choice but to go look for a job with the Hordesmen, and I didn’t want to become a slave to my needs while around the aliens. Needless to say, the pill isn’t working. Whenever the prince is around, I’m hyperaware of his proximity, body, scent, and definitely his cock. The prince is so big that he tucks himself on the side and lets his massive dick hang down his thigh. I see every ridge of it. Saliva pools in my mouth, and I swallow, try to think of anything besides him.
Mom made meatballs today. It was payday, and she splurges on payday. Shit, I forgot to call my parents.
Tamika walks in. “Here ya go, Omega.”
“Don’t call me that.”
She puts a large black bag on the table. “He calls you that.”
“Don’t listen to him.”
Tamika laughs and nudges the large black bag toward me.
“Is it food?”
“Doubt it, but I didn’t look inside.”
“I’m gonna grab a late lunch.”
“Negative,” Tamika says, eyes on the bag.
“People who work for the prince do not grab lunches. He provides food, and you can only order from the in-house kitchen.”
“That’s fine.” I tap my com unit. “Kitchen,” I ask the unit.