Page 10 of Alpha Hunger


Arkin, Earth’s Alpha Collector, also named Terror, weaves beads into his black hair. Tamika’s side hustle pays her a nice chunk from my males. She makes beads and leathers that the Alphas weave into their hair. At my desk, Arkin picks up a bead. “You think pink is a good color for me?”


He looks up. “You’re moody today. Is it the assistant?”

I don’t want to talk about Anna. I grit my teeth.

Arkin pushes a strand of hair through the pink bead. “She is an Omega.”


“If you allowed me to get closer, I could possibly scent the suppressant.”

“It’s Betaren.”

He pauses his work and stares. “So what is it you needed me for?”

“Confirmation she’s a registered Omega. The scent is tainted, so she has access to Betaren.” Regha Omegas display their dynamic sometime between the ages of twelve and eighteen. It changes their appearance, their facial structure, and even their body shape as their bodies form to best fit any Alpha male on Regha. Human Omegas are born in all colors, shapes, and sizes with a distinct scent that Eron, a Regha supplier of Telean goods, first identified aska-te. They smell and taste like Telean candy.

On Regha, it is a crime against our great Serpent to even think of suppressing one’s dynamic. In fact, Regha Omegas are proud of their dynamic. Human women have trouble accepting they are breeders. It is the fault of their ancestors, who made them feel like sex is taboo and something done in private. People don’t talk about it, and yet everyone does it. It is how humans procreate, and, judging by their numbers, they’re doing a lot of activities that lead to procreation.

Arkin nods. “What do you want to do about it?”

“I dislike that the suppressant is still out there.”


I tap my claw on the table. “I’ll take care of this problem.”

“If I may, my prince?”

I roll my eyes, wave a hand. He knows better than to ask permission to speak freely.

Arkin continues, “You’ve been practicing democracy.”

“I allow them freedoms.”

“Perhaps it’s time to rule as a king.”

I purse my lips. “You believe the freedoms were taken for granted.”

“They have a saying on Earth. Give them a finger, and they’ll take the whole hand.”

“You’re questioning my rule.”

“I’m suggesting you’ve given the Human Alliance too much power. Perhaps a gentle reminder of Regha ways is in order.”

“We agreed wearing metal armor would remind them. It’s the sole reason we suffer it.” I look pointedly at him. “Where is your armor?”

“It’s heavy. Dumped it in the sewers.”

“Talk to me about the sewers.”

“A male human unit crawled under there. I presume they tried to reach the gate.”

“For what purpose?”