Page 20 of Alpha Hunger

Junior enters the house.

Wow.Marble, beiges, golds. It’s a rich and warm luxury home, with carefully placed seating areas throughout the open space. Low chatter over quiet music makes the home even more welcoming. In the reception area, Junior rattles from the bottom of his chest just in case all the guests haven’t noticed that a dragon-dog-like creature not of this planet has arrived bearing a seven-foot-tall alien with a crown on his head. And me, of course.

People hold their cocktails and stare. I examine the faces, attempt to identify them. It’s not difficult. Most of these people are famous for one thing or another. Hunger enjoys surrounding himself with successful people, and they enjoy his company too, but probably not for genuine reasons of friendship and good will. They simply want to profit from his association.

At the bar, in the left corner of the reception area, I recognize my uncle, a tall green-eyed man wearing a black suit. A hand thrown over a brunette woman’s shoulder, he lifts his glass to me. My aunt is a blonde. I pinch my lips but remember I owe this man a lot for what I have now and manage a smile, although I’d like to slap him, then tear some of her hair out. My aunt is home, none the wiser, and he’s out here publicly shaming their marriage. I wonder what my cousin would think of this.

“My niece, everyone,” my uncle shouts.

The press at the windows goes wild. My name will grace the morning papers, I am sure of it. Dad and Mom will find out and likely frame the paper for safekeeping.

The prince taps my hip. “What’s the matter?” he whispers at my ear.

The feel of his mouth on my ear makes my pussy contract, my clit pulse.Jesus.“Nothing much.”

“You’re tense, and I smell fear. I am offended you would fear anything while you ride with me. Who are you afraid of?”

You.“Crowds make me nervous, that’s all.”

“I could get rid of the crowd and have a private dinner with you. Would that make you less afraid?”

He means it. He really does. I shake my head. They don’t call him Hunger for no reason. He earned his title fair and square and at the young age when he still rode with his uncle. Hunger will starve these people, so I better learn how to handle the crowds.

The prince dismounts, and Junior settles on his knees.Nice.I was wondering how I would dismount in my skimpy little dress and a butt plug up my ass. These hounds are keenly observant, or maybe Junior, like the prince, senses my discomfort. A lady, I press my knees together and hop down, praying to the Lord I don’t dislocate my ankle. Christy gave me fuck-me pumps, and they’re actually comfortable, mainly because the base of the foot is four inches and the heel is about six. With those proportions, I’m not actually putting all the weight on my toes.

Having succeeded in not breaking anything or showing the plug inside my behind, I smile widely at the prince, who stretches out his arm. I tuck mine under his, and he walks through the reception room, then stops. “Carry on,” he commands. There’s force in his words that makes people carry on instantly. You’d think he’s just unpaused time.

We stop at the bar, and the prince orders dark beer from a bartender with a face I recognize. I frown, trying to place the face, and realize it’s Christy. He’s all man now, wearing a black-and-white uniform. He’s also not acknowledging us.

“My beautiful niece,” my uncle says. I hug him and peck his cheek, inhaling the abundant fresh citrus of his cologne. The woman next to him steps up and stretches out her hand as if to introduce herself. I’d like to take the drink from between her manicured fingers and spill it on her face, but opt out of making a scene and shake her hand instead. Her name comes into one ear and disappears out the other. There are millions of available men around the world. There is no reason she should hang on to a married one. That’s my opinion, and I’m sticking with it. I dislike her without getting to know her, and I have no intention of knowing her either.

“She will have…” The prince taps his claw on the bar.

“Wine,” I say.

For confirmation, Christy looks to the prince.

“Wine,” I snap. “White.” There, I’ve got Hunger’s color covered too.

Christy smiles and pours, then serves me the glass and the bottle.

“Thank you,” I say and grab both so my hands are full.

My uncle stands there and stares. Unsure what to say, mainly because I’m pissed he’d introduce his ho to a member of his close family, I drink. Gonna get my buzz going. Two wineglasses, and I’ll be past caring that all eyes are watching us.

“Anna,” my uncle says. “Aren’t you going to introduce your friend?”

I widen my eyes. Has he lost his fucking mind? The prince wears armor over his shoulders, a crown, and a slab of white paint over his chest so that people can clearly tell who he is. Everyone knows he’s offended when he needs to introduce himself.

“I didn’t think I needed introductions,” the prince says, and puts his beer down.

Well, there ya have it. I swig straight from the bottle.

My uncle has either swallowed the stupid pill, or he’s drunk. He smiles and stretches out his hand. “I see you have taken a liking to my beautiful niece. Randy Forspar.”

Hunger—because I think the prince who ate my pussy and cooed in my ear has left the building—grabs my uncle’s hand and holds it, eyes scanning the walls. I look up at him and follow his gaze to the top of the round column supporting the vast mansion. “Wait for me here, Omega.”

He walks back to Junior, who’s parked in the middle of the foyer content with people-watching. The hound’s ear twitches, and he snaps his head toward Hunger, keen black eyes narrowing. I can literally tell he awaits orders. Hunger pets the hound’s head and purrs for Junior, who rattles back. I think they can communicate. Scary and fascinating at the same time. Hunger reaches into the sack strapped to the saddle and gets a coiled rope.