“Lucky in who we came from. We always knew we were loved and valued. And what we have, what we are, was indeed a gift and not something to be buried or hidden away. The two of them striking swords in the rain? Not so lucky as we. Iona had and has her granny, and that’s a treasure. But beyond that, for them their family’s... well, fucked, as Meara’s fond of saying.”
“We’re their family.”
“I know it, as they do. But it’s a wound that can’t fully heal, isn’t it, not to have the full love of those who made you. The indifference of Iona’s parents, the full mess of Meara’s.”
“Which is worse, do you think? That indifference, which is beyond my understanding, or the full mess? The way Meara’s da ran off, taking what money was left after he bollocksed all they had? Leaving a wife and five children alone, or just never giving a damn all along?”
“I think either would leave you flattened. And just look at them. So strong and full of courage.”
Iona stumbled back, slipped. Her ass hit the soggy grass. Meara leaned down, offered a hand, but Iona shook her head, set her teeth. And rolled over, sprang up. Moved in, sword swinging.
Now Connor grinned, slapped his sister’s leg.
“Though she be but little, she is fierce!”
“Because it’s true, I’ll forgive you for quoting the English bard when I’ve a pot of Guinness stew on the simmer.”
His mind went directly to food. “Guinness stew, is it?”
“It is, and a fine round of sourdough bread with the poppy seeds you’re fond of.”
His eyes lit, then narrowed. “And what will I be doing to deserve it?”
“On your next free day I need you to work with me.”
“I will of course.”
“The magicks we made for the solstice... I was so certain it would work. But I missed something, just as Sorcha missed something when she sacrificed herself and poisoned Cabhan all that time ago. Every one of us since has missed something. We need to find what’s missed.”
“And we will. But you can’t leave us out of it, Branna. You didn’t miss, the whole of us did. Fin—”
“I know I have to work with him. I have, and I will.”
“Does it help to know he suffers as you do?”
“A little.” She leaned her head on his shoulder a moment. “Small of me.”
“Human of you. A witch is as human as any, as Da always told us.”
“So he did.”
For a few moment they sat quiet, side by side, as swords rang.
“Cabhan’s healing, isn’t he?” She said it quietly, just to him. “Gathering himself for the next. I feel... something in the air.”
“I feel it, too.” Connor watched, as she did, the deep green shadows of the woods. “As his blood, Fin would feel more. Is there stew enough for the whole of us?”
She sighed in a way that told him she’d already thought of it herself. “I suppose there is. Ask them,” she said as she rose, “and I’ll make sure of it.”
He took her hand, kissed it. “As human as any, and braver than most. That’s my sister.”
“The thought of Guinness stew’s made you sentimental.” But she gave his hand a squeeze before she went inside.
It wasn’t the stew, though Christ knew it didn’t hurt a thing. But he worried about her more than she knew.
Then Iona feinted left, spun, struck from the right, and it was Meara who stumbled, slipped, and landed on the wet grass.
Iona immediately let out a whoop, began to jump in circles, sword raised high.