“No, she just kept saying she knew we wanted different things. I had no idea what she meant.”
“And that was it?”
“Yeah, a few weeks after the phone call, she posted a picture with Poppy and these two guys from our highschool, Beau and Alex. Beau was Poppy’s boyfriend and Alex was Beau’s asshole best friend. I always knew he had a thing for her and so I figured he had something to do with what happened.”
“So, you think she cheated on you?”
“No, her heart is too good. I knew she hadn’t cheated, but I do think I was gone and busier than I thought I would be. Wewere young. Long distance was hard and he was there.” I let out a laugh. “In a moment of desperation, I liked the post and commented something dumb. Then, attempted to call her and Poppy way more than I should have. I’m sure they thought I was a lunatic, but I was in love with her. After that, both of them blocked me on all of their socials and their phones. I tried talking to her once when I was home. I dropped off a letter and asked her to meet me. The same night I found out she was with Alex from the picture and she looked happy, so I threw myself into work and school.”
“Fuck, man, but why do they think you cheated on her?”
I shrug and roll my neck, running my hand down the back of my head. “Beats me.”
He nods. “I’m sorry, dude. I believe you, but Logan’s going to be harder to convince. Poppy’s word is gold and you know how he feels about cheating, especially after the shit his dad pulled when he was a kid.”
“Yeah, so how do I convince them I didn’t do it?”
“Hell if I know, man, but we’ll think of something.”
“Did you pack your toothbrush?”
“A regular bra? You don’t want to have just a sports bra all week.”
“Yes, Poppy, everything is packed. Besides, we’re less than five minutes from the airport. What would you do if I told you I hadn’t packed a bra?”
“I could give you mine.”
I laugh hard. “Right because my double Ds would fit so nicely in your B cups.”
“I’m just saying one time when I went out of town, I forgot to pack a bra and I had to go buy one and it was terrible. Almost ruined the whole trip.”
“I’m going to Orlando. I’m not going to Mars. I think if I forgot to pack something I would be able to run to the store and find it.”
Her phone pings.
“Could you check that for me?” She pulls off of the interstate and down the exit ramp.
“Huh. Unknown number and all it says is ‘Hey!’”
“Weird. Probably the wrong number.” She shrugs her shoulders. I set her phone back in the cup holder. “Are you excited for a little vacation?” she asks.
“It’s not a vacation. I’ll be sitting in conference rooms learning about how to be a better occupational therapist. We have a half day in Disney and the rest of the time we’ll be networking and learning.”
“Yeah, but Disney sounds fun.”
“I guess, if you’re into waiting in lines, dodging toddler meltdowns, and boob sweat.” I laugh. “You and Logan have any plans?”
“The usual. Trying to soak up the last few weeks before I start at Dogwood Manor.”
“I’m glad you two worked out. Him bringing me chocolate ice cream and fries the other night was so thoughtful. I wish I could find someone like him.”
“You will. I know it.” She smiles.