I shifted so her head fell off my shoulder. I curled my arm under the pillow, dragging the other into place for her. Now we were nose to nose, bodies still close, legs still woven together.
She was blushing, her eyelids still swollen and heavy, her mouth soft. As she met my gaze, she bit her lip and looked embarrassed.
Concern edged into my zen. “What were you going to say?”
“It doesn’t matter.” She pulled the sheet from across her hip up to beneath her armpit.
“Tell me.” I hooked my finger in the wisp of hair that caught in the corner of her mouth and swept it away. “Was that okay? We finished pretty strong.” My balls were still singing like a tuning fork. “If I was too rough, you have to tell me. Stop me.”
“What? No. That’s was awesome. I just said it was.”
“No, you said I was good. Ash?—”
She cut me off with a groan with frustration, then babbled out, “I was going to say I’ve never come at the same time like that. I thought simultaneous orgasms were a myth. And I didn’t think I could, you know, get off without…helping myself.”
“Oh. Wow. You arereallyblushing,” I teased, rubbing my knuckle against her hot cheek. It was redder than an apple.
“Because I don’t think we should compare.” She grabbed my hand and pulled it under her chin, closing her eyes to hide whatever was in them. “I sure don’t want you telling me how I stack up in your history file.”
“You came this morning without?—”
“I know. That’s what I’m saying. I thought it was a fluke, but you’re some kind of sex god with a magic penis. Congratulations. Your trophy will be mailed at a later date.”
Christ, I loved her. Laughing, I caught my arm around her and dragged her close so we were belly to belly, spent dick against the still damp curls decorating her slit. The best feeling ever.
“I will never get tired of hearing that I make you come. Say it often, say it loud.” I nipped her earlobe. “Say it when I’m inside you.”
“Don’t get arrogant.” She pinched my stomach. “You’ve set a standard now. You’ll have to live up to it.”
“Challenge accepted. Wait. What exactly is the standard?” I pulled my head back to look at her. “Twice a day? I haven’t been that randy since I first learned what masturbation was and really applied myself to getting good at it.”
“You made your own bed,” she said, tucking her arm beneath her head as she rolled onto her back.
“I did, didn’t I?” I grew distracted by her pretty breast and the way it was drawn to sit up high and proud by her upraised arm. I caressed the underside where she had a light sprinkling offreckles, enjoying the freedom to explore and admire. I gave her nipple a kiss that turned into a taste, just because I could.
“I keep thinking this shouldn’t be so comfortable, lying here naked with you like this. I refused to think of you this way for so long.”
“Yeah, I had the door firmly locked on fantasies where you’re concerned, too.” I splayed a possessive hand over the swell of her breast so her damp, beaded nipple poked through my fingers. “I’m pretty excited we get to do this as much as we want from now on.”
“Me, too.” She smiled, but her smile immediately faded.
I moved my hand to her stomach. “What?”
“Nothing.” She covered my hand. “I just remembered we can’t stay in this bed forever. Then things got really big in my head really fast.”
“Reality.Thatson of a bitch. I was hoping we could ignore it a little longer.” The coiled snakes that had been in the pit of my gut over Shane awoke and slithered restlessly. I had brooded all day and hadn’t come up with any miracle solutions.
Except this. Touching her. Reassuring myself I wasn’t alone in this. Thatthiswas real.
I moved my thumb in a small caress, drawing a circle around her navel.
“My family has pretty much convinced themselves I’m going home with them,” she said. “This won’t be received well.” Her fingers played over mine, tickling into the spaces between. “Whitney thinks you’re a rebound. You’re not.”
“You told her about us?” I stilled my hand.
“I told her Shane was here and she figured out thathefigured out...” Her stomach lifted and fell beneath my hand as she sighed. “Fliss is still coming to terms with getting a stepdad. Mom is going to have questions. Opinions.” She dragged inanother daunted breath and blew it out. “I just don’t feel like having a huge fight with them. So maybe we stay here?”
“That’s Plan B. But let’s talk about how we’ll break it to them.”