Page 50 of Beached Wedding

I cleared my throat and tried to steer us back into neutral waters. “I’m extra glad you’re here because who else can I talk to about the fact that myfucking sister...” I leaned forward in belated outrage. “Got fuckingengaged. The day after my own wedding was cancelled?”

“Okay.” He put up a hand and bit his lips together. “It’s not funny, but...”

“Oh, it’s hysterical.I’mhysterical.”

We held a look of bewildered hilarity at the perverseness of the situation. All of my pent-up anger and hurt andhumiliation... All of it seemed to poof into a jagged chuckle of what-can-you-do? We both laughed it out, but my eyes watered.

“There’s no use being mad, is there?” I said after I had grabbed a tissue and blew my nose into it. “I’m not getting married and she is. So what?”

“I think that’s a healthy attitude.” He nodded.

“Thank you. I mean that. You are a good friend. Someday we will have a beer and laugh for real over this entire nightmare.”

“I might still be on iced tea, but that’s sounds like a plan.”

“Stomach still sour?”

“Touching that champagne bottle nearly turned me green.”

I chuckled. Nodded. Fell silent. Wistful.

“I have to ask you something else,” Fox said with a wince of reluctance.

“What?” I braced myself.

“How do you feel about helping me draft a statement that the wedding is off? Shane won’t do it. I’ve already had a couple texts from friends, asking me why we haven’t posted any photos yet. We talked up the wedding online. Fans will be expecting something.”

“Oh gawd.” He was right, but, “I don’t know what to say. Artistic differences?”

“That’s better than saying he stood you up.” He winced.

“I’m won’t smear your brand, Fox.”

“I don’t expect you to lie.”

“This is just one of those things that didn’t work out. Let me think about it while I make my calls about my stuff.”

“Thanks. I’ll run out and grab what I need, but I’ll come right back to help with the statement.”

“We can work on that marketing proposal too, if you want.”

“You really don’t mind?” He searched my gaze. “You don’t have to be this nice, you know.”

“Of course, I do. Otherwise, I have to revoke my Canadian citizenship.”

His mouth twitched. “Back soon.”

I nodded. Business as usual. Nothing to see here folks.

Except a giant elephant that had been acknowledged and was still here.


It’s not a date. I kept telling myself that as I shaved and flossed and buttoned on a shirt I’d bought with briefs, shoes, and sunscreen that didn’t smell like a tropical fruit salad. Not that I minded smelling like Ash, but my attempt to set things firmly back into the friend-zone had wound up making me that much more aware of every word I spoke or every look she sent my way.

I zipped the fly of my new shorts and smoothed my eyebrows and ignored the tingle of anticipation in my balls. I gave myself a hard look in the mirror over the dresser.

Not a fucking date, mate.