Page 48 of Beached Wedding

I moved to stand beside her and set my bare hands on the rail. “That’s a really pretty ring,” I said of the sparkler on her finger.

“Oh, Sissy.” She threw her arm around me and used the endearment that was only ever in play when we were making up after a mad. “You’ll get through this. We always do. At least we haven’t given up your apartment yet. You can have it to yourself once Fliss and I move in with Oliver?—”

She cut herself off as I pulled away and looked to the horizon. She read my stubborn jaw like a neon sign. Her breath sucked in with the energy of a thousand older-sisters.

“You are not going to Oz to be withhim?” She waved at the interior of the suite. “No.”

“Would you please stop acting like I’m madly in love with Fox?”

“Youstop acting like it and maybe I will.”

“Oh my God. Even if I was, which I’mnot—” For some reason my voice stumbled over that. “—you have had some very sketchy relationships with some very sketchy dudes. I’ve always accepted your choices.”

“Sure you have,” she said on a chortle of outrage. “You’ve been treating Oliver like he’s radioactive waste since you met him.”

I couldn’t deny that, but I only looked to my nails. “What about Fliss? She isn’t happy about this.”

“Forgive me for not ruining the moment by telling Oliver I need to run it past the tribunal of women who think they all get a vote on how I live my life.”

The irony of making that statement seconds after her bossy command about how I should livemylife went completely over her blonde ponytail.

“Fliss and I will work things out,” she insisted. “We always do.Youare the one in the witness box. What are you going to do now that you’re not marrying Shane?”

“I don’t know,” I ground out. “And I’m sick of everyone asking me that as if I had a Plan B in case my groom didn’t show up. Maybe you should take a lesson from this. Make a contingency plan for if Oliver backs out,” I said with a facetious smile.

Whitney’s brows flexed in hurt, but after a second her mouth went sideways with rueful empathy. She drummed her gel-polished nails on the rail and cocked her head.

“Rebound sex has always been Step One for me after a break up. Maybe you should give Tall, Dark, and Convenient a go since you’re not going to see him ag— Oh. Hi. That was fast.” She smiled into the suite.

I closed my eyes, refusing to turn around. I considered throwing myself over the rail and ending it all right now. What further humiliation could I possibly have left to live for?

“They don’t let you work out unless you have closed-toe shoes,” Fox said. “Here’s your schedule.”

“You’re a peach.” Whitney took the page Fox handed her.

I turned, but kept my gaze lowered, unable to look at Fox.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt. I just came to drop that and tell you I’m heading to the shops to buy some shoes.”

“We’re done. I need to go talk to Fliss,” Whitney said. “And Mom. Surprise surprise, she has opinions, too.” She aimed a flat smile at me and looped me into another hug. “I’m sorryour timing was so awful. Please don’t be mad. It’s ruining my vacation.”

“I’m sorry you think I treat Oliver like he’s radioactive waste. I only meant to treat him like he has a cold sore. One of those really bad ones like you had that time?—”

“Oh, shut up.” Whit pushed away from me. “Enjoy your cruise. I’ll see you both later.”

As Whitney stepped from the lanai into the suite, Fox drew a bottle of champagne from the fridge. He cast me a questioning glance.

“Good idea.” I nodded agreement that he should give it to Whitney. “You and Oliver enjoy that. Congratulations.”

“Really?” Whitney took it and studied the label. It was askew after being in the melted ice bucket all night, but it put a huge smile on her face. “Thank you.”

“All part of the prepaid romance package,” I said sweetly.

Whitney gave Fox a rueful head tilt. “Thank you, Fox,” she said as though her mother had poked her in the back to remind her to use her manners. “For this and for giving us our moment of girl time.”

“No worries.”

Whitney left and I had a hard time meeting Fox’s gaze. When I finally tried, he wasn’t looking at me. He was searching his wallet for something.