Page 260 of Heat of the Everflame

“The same thing I say when I pray. I’d thank her for bringing you into my life.”

My heart fluttered and twirled.

“But what if she could answer, what would you ask her then?”

“She answers me already, in her own way.” He gave me a strange look. “What wouldyouask her?”

I turned my focus to the town approaching in the distance. “I’d ask her what it’s going to cost for us to win this war.”

His fingers wove into mine as the imposing grey heart of Fortos grew larger and nearer.

“I wish I’d spent more time learning illusions and less time learning a thousand ways to kill,” he muttered. “This would be far easier if we could slip in and out unseen.”

“The killing part might come in handy, too.”

He grunted in agreement. “I’m afraid to ask... do we have a plan?”

“The Umbros Queen said I have a right to see my mother. Once I know she’s alive, we’ll pretend to leave for Lumnos, then sneak back in late tonight.”

It wasn’t much of aplan. Kindly, he didn’t say so, though his frown said enough. “Perhaps we should go back and get Alixe and Zalaric.”

I shook my head vehemently. “I won’t let them ruin their reputations to save my mother. It’s bad enough that you’re here.”

“Diem.” He paused until I looked at him. “Once she’s out... where will we take her?”

I didn’t answer, and he didn’t push.

As we approached Fortos City, I gave a silent order to Sorae to save Luther and my mother if the worst came to pass. Her snort of objection stirred a troubling question in my mind.

The spell that bound Sorae to the Crown required that she protect me from harm and obey my every command. If my life was at risk, but I insisted she save Luther... which order would triumph?

The question seemed to bother her, too. A heavy pulse of disquiet rumbled through the bond. Her head turned, her golden eyes sliding back toward me.

He’s the next Crown, isn’t he?I asked her.If I die, you’ll be bound to protect him next?

If she knew the answer, she kept it to herself.

Her wings shifted, and we began our descent.

“I’m hereto see the King.”

I slapped on my widest, friendliest smile, then cocked my hips, one hand propped at my waist.

“Could we not have chosen something a little more subdued?” Luther mumbled. Standing at my side, he was my opposite—arms crossed, face scowling, ever my cruel, unapproachable Prince.

“What better way to show him I’m not afraid than by landing in the center of his training field?”

My eyes swept over the stunned faces. There were at least a hundred of them, perhaps more.

All in uniform. All armed.

“Maybe he’ll be less inclined to kill me with all these witnesses,” I added.

He shot me a look. “Don’t count on it.”

Scattered blue-eyed soldiers dropped to their knees, fists rising to their chests. I beamed warmly and returned their salute.

“If he does attack, will the Lumnos soldiers come to my defense?” I asked Luther quietly.