Page 176 of Heat of the Everflame

“But it’s an honest answer.” Yrselle gave me a knowing wink. “Technically.”

I carefully avoided all the eyes locked on me as I sipped my drink. “What about you, Alixe?”

She gazed out at the clustered Centenaries. “I’d be happy to have any of you in my bed tonight. Or all of you. The more the merrier.”

“That’s truth,” Yrselle said.

“Same answer for me,” Taran said.

“That’sa lie.”

The Centenaries cheered and drank another round. Taran huffed. “Fine. Half of you. No offense, ladies.”

“Another lie.”

The celebrations grew louder, and Taran paled. He looked around the room. “Look, you’re all very handsome, I can’t possibly pick just one—”

“Stilllying,” Yrselle sang in a teasing pitch.

“It’s not a Centenary he’s interested in,” Hagface sneered.

My nose wrinkled. “Gross, Taran. Luther’s yourcousin.”

Luther shook his head. “Not me. Try again.”

Taran scowled at him. “Traitor.”

“You’ve exposed my feelings for Diem several times. You’ve earned a little payback.”

Luther and I shared a glance. I forced myself to look at him, really truly look at him, for the first time tonight. Even in his finery, polished and trussed up with all the trappings of the mighty Prince, something wasn’t quite right.

His expression was weary, and his eyes looked inexplicably sad, but as he stared at me like I was the only creature in all the world, his lip still curved up with a tentative smile.

The woman he loves, Taran had said.

I closed my eyes, my throat squeezing tight.

Alixe, our eternal and long-suffering peacemaker, turned to her right. “What about you, Zalaric? Does anyone here strike your fancy?”

He swirled his wine slowly. “With all due respect to our two beautiful Queens, I think I’d be better off alone than with anyone here.”

“Another lie,” Yrselle said. The Centenaries whooped and clinked their glasses.

Taran’s bloodshot eyes rolled to the ceiling, though not quite at the same time. “What Zal, none of us are good enough for you?”

“As a matter of fact, no.”

Taran snorted, and Zalaric glared.

“So many lies,” Yrselle taunted. “At this rate, you two are going to get my Centenaries drunk within the hour.”

Zalaric looked so alarmed, I had to take pity on him and clear my throat. “I don’t think Zalaric is lying. No one would rather be alone than with the person they desire. But if that someonedoesn’t want you back...” I swallowed thickly. “Maybe he’s just waiting for a person who cares enough to fight for him.”

Luther’s hand flexed at his side.

“That’s a beautiful sentiment,” Yrselle said. “But it’s still a lie. At least for dear Zalaric.”

Taran barked a laugh as Zalaric sulked low into his seat.