“You all seem... close,” I said carefully.
“Iléana has been a family friend since we were young. She and Luther have been courting off and on for years.”
“Years?” I choked. Down the hall, Iléana brushed a stray lock of hair from Luther’s face. I couldn’t tear my eyes away.
“Everyone assumed they would marry so our Houses could formalize an alliance before he became...” She caught herself and winced. “Ifhe became King.”
“So what happened?”
She shrugged, light glinting from the many hoops and studs that adorned her face. “I keep out of it. I only know he broke it off.”
I swallowed. “When?”
“Recently. A month ago, I think.”
The peal of Iléana’s laughter carried down the hall. She was shoved up against him now, preening as she smoothed the lapels of his jacket. Her fingers were inching up his chest, around his neck, snaking into his hair. Luther grasped her wrist, and she leaned up to him, eyes closed and lips parted.
I quickly turned away, heat flushing my cheeks.
The idea of Luther with a woman had my mind reeling, though I wasn’t sure why. I couldn’t deny he was an attractive man—fine, anextremelyattractive man, if I was forced to be honest—and being the presumptive heir to the throne surely made him a prime target for any woman with dreams of becoming Queen Consort.
But he was so closed off, so reluctant to show any hint of emotion. It was hard to envision him as someone’s beloved, curled up naked in rumpled bedsheets, laughing and sharing dreams and fears. The thought of it had my stomach twisting in a way that made me feel ill.
I wondered what secrets of his Iléana knew. Did she know he never expected to be King? Did she know he’d helped my mother, or that he’d saved the half-mortal children? Did she know that we’d—
“Your Majesty?”
I blinked as Alixe’s voice cut into my thoughts. “Oh—apologies,” I stammered. “Please, call me Diem. And I’m sorry, by the way—about earlier.”
Her brows creased. “Earlier?”
“My question about the Royal Guard. I didn’t mean to insult your job.”
“You didn’t, not at all. The truth is, the Royal Guard does whatever the Crown tells us to do. Only Luther, as High General, really knows what all that includes.” She gave me a conspiratorial smile. “And the only reason Iléana isn’t on palace duty is because she’s not a Corbois.”
“All of the guards in the palace are Corbois?”
“Every last one.”
I dared another glimpse over my shoulder. Luther had both of Iléana’s wrists in his grip, his neck craned down toward her, their faces mere inches apart. Her eyes slid over and caught mine, and a smug smile unfurled across her lips. Luther followed her gaze to me.
I snapped forward. “It was good to see you again, Alixe,” I said quickly, moving to leave. “I hope we get the chance to talk soon.”
She bowed low. “As do I. I’ve heard so many stories about your father. I’d love to trade some, if you’re willing.”
Pride and pain rose at the thought of him. “Of course. Perhaps you can come home with me one day and meet him yourself.”
“I would be honored,” she said with a genuine smile.
I excused myself and darted down the nearest hallway. I had no idea where the meeting room was, and I cursed myself for my ill-thought-out exit. Just as I was about to succumb to the humiliation of doubling back, I heard the thump of jogging footsteps. Seconds later, Luther came to my side, his expression stormy.
“You should have waited.” Heat skittered down my spine at the darkness of his tone.
I shrugged. “I didn’t want to break up the lovers’ reunion.”
“She’s not my lover.”
“Doessheknow that?”