“Well,” Busterstretched out the word. “At least the assertion buys us some time to come upwith a new defense.” He play-punched Rook on the shoulder. “Isn’t that whywe’re paying you the big bucks?”

Rook shook her head.“There’s not enough money in the world to create fact out of fiction. Delay isall you get, but you’re right, I tossed out the idea to give Farah time todecide what she wants to do, and I think there’s something she wants to tellyou.” She watched as Buster’s expression spun through a list of emotions, fromsurprise to shock, finally landing on denial.

“You can’t leave me,”he said to Farah. “Not now. Hell, you’re about to announce.”

“Rook thinks I’llmake a much more sympathetic candidate as the spurned, but strong wife whochose not to stand by her man, especially if it means I lose the baggage of anadulterer.”

Rook winced at theattribution. She’d merely pointed out the options and let Farah choose herfuture. She wholeheartedly agreed with the choice, but she’d have found a wayto make other options work if Farah decided to salvage her marriage. She mightchoose her clients, but she was being paid to get the outcome of their choice,and no one was better at arguing both sides.

An hour later, Rookwas back in her room at the Peninsula Hotel, lying back on the bed,contemplating the room service menu. Farah had invited her to dinner atGramercy Tavern, but Rook knew no matter how well intentioned, downtime wouldquickly turn into more conversation about Farah’s marital woes and politicalprospects. Rook had had enough rescuing damsels in distress for the day,although she hardly considered Major Zoey Granger a damsel in distress. No,Zoey had been more like a soldier out of her battle zone. Rook closed her eyesand played back portions of the afternoon at the airport, running slow motionpast the part where Zoey tugged her hair out of the tight bun and her auburnwaves cascaded onto the shoulders of her crisp uniform. Uniforms were usually ano-go for Rook, but the sharp contrast of Zoey’s vulnerability with the hardedge of her insignias intrigued her, and she was in no hurry to brush ZoeyGranger to the back of her mind.

Her phone rang andshe glanced at the caller ID, instantly recognizing the White House exchange.She answered with a mock stern tone. “Tell the president I’m not interested,”Rook said.

“That’s what I usedto say, but look at me now.”

Rook laughed at thesound of her old friend Julia Scott’s voice. They’d had a running joke sinceJulia had accepted the president’s offer to become his chief of staff. Juliahad tried, on many occasions, to get Rook to join the administration as anadvisor on strategy, but Rook had made it clear she wasn’t interested. “Youwhisper into the ear of the most powerful man in the free world,” Rook said.“Of course you had to say yes to the job. I, on the other hand, like being myown boss.”

“Keep tellingyourself that. Pretty sure whoever pays you owns you.”


“The truth hurts.”

“Maybe so, but I’mstill not coming to work for you or your guy.”

“‘My guy,’ she says.Whatever. I didn’t call to pressure you this time. I called to invite you to aparty.”

“What? Are youfinally making an honest woman out of Addison? Beltway rumors say you’ve beenessentially shacking up for the last six months.”

“Between you and me,the rumors are true, but it’s been a little complicated trying to balance ourjobs and our love life.”

Rook had no doubt itwas true. The mix of president’s chief of staff with the chief justice of theUnited States resulted in a relationship fraught with trip lines. “I can seethe headlines now. DC power couple tipping the balance of power. Couldn’t youfind a nice nobody to fall in love with?”

“Whenyoufindsomeone and settle down, then you can teasemeabout my love life. Untilthen, button it up.”

“Fair enough. Sowhat’s the occasion if not a wedding?”

“It’s Addison’sbirthday. I’m having a thing. It’s kind of gotten out of hand, and now thereare going to be way too many people coming, half of whom I barely know. Promiseyou’ll show up and keep me sane?”

“You know you cancount on me even if I won’t be your White House lackey.”

“Someday, Daniels,someday. By the way, nice job with the press conference tonight. When is Farahgoing to divorce the creep?”

“No comment, even foryou. You’ll have to hear about any fallout in the gossip columns just likeeveryone else.” Rook decided to fish for a little gossip of her own. “Hey, whatdo you know about the Senate hearing on Nine Tech?”

“Plenty. Why?Something specific you’re after?”

Rook started to tellJulia about meeting Zoey at the airport but hesitated. It had been a chancemeeting and she’d done a good deed, but it was nothing more than that. TellingJulia felt like she was making more out of it. “Nothing. I saw an article inthe paper this morning. Just curious.”

“I think it’s all inthe dustup phase now. The hearings are just a way for the senators to showtheir constituents they’re guarding the coffers. They’ll grill the girl, shakea stick at the Joint Chiefs, and move onto the next drama du jour.”



“You were talkingabout the major who exposed the corruption and you said girl. Besides,shouldn’t you be calling hersoldieror some other military thing? Thepatriarchy you’re part of is rubbing off on you.”

“Look who’s talking.Pretty sure you just stuck up for a man-creep of the highest order while makinghis wife stand at his side for the camera. If you want me to turn in my feministcard, you’re going to have to go first, my friend.”