“Sounds perfect.Thanks for the tip.”

“My pleasure.”

Zoey settled in forthe rest of the ride, and for just a few minutes, let herself imagine beingdressed in plainclothes, riding around the city with Rook Daniels at her side.Completely improbable on so many levels, but that’s what fantasies weresupposed to be, right?

Chapter Two

Zoey took pridein her ability to walk fast, but the Marine escorting her through the Pentagonwas next level. Of course, he wasn’t wearing heels and a skirt, so there wasthat. “Where exactly are we going and will we still be in country when we getthere?” she asked.

The sergeant laughed.“First time at the Puzzle Palace?”

“You’re quick.”

“It’s a littleoverwhelming until you get used to it. End to end, the building will hold theStatue of Liberty, but you can move between any two places within ten minutes.We don’t have time today, but grab one of the honor guards and get the nickeltour when you have a chance.”

Zoey nodded butfigured that wouldn’t be happening. Once she got her in-person scolding forviolating code and testified before the Senate, she’d probably be shipped offto serve out the rest of her career in some remote outpost. In the meantime,she drank in every detail she could about the enormous building. They’d passeda row of shops that carried goods ranging from fancy candy to jewelry and a foodcourt with every unhealthy fast food option imaginable, and she was beginningto feel like she was at a shopping mall instead of a military complex.

“Here’s your stop,Major.”

Zoey glanced at thedoor and back to the Marine waiting to be dismissed. She nodded, squared hershoulders, and pushed through. “Major Granger, reporting to see GeneralBloomfield,” she announced to the soldier manning the desk.

“Good afternoon,Major.” He pointed at the door behind him. “Go on in, the generals areexpecting you.”

Generals. Zoeywondered if she’d misheard the plural, but didn’t bother asking since she’dfind out soon enough. She rapped on the door to signal her entry and the doorswung wide. “General Sharp!”

She immediatelyregretted the exclamation, but it had been years since she’d seen her first COand she didn’t expect him to be here. David Sharp had been her champion fromthe moment she’d graduated from boot camp, and she took some measure of comfortat the sight of a familiar face.

“Major, good to seeyou,” he said. “Come on in.” He swept an arm toward a couple of chairs in thecenter of the room, and she did a quick recon to see if there were any othersurprises waiting, but there was only one other person in the room who sheassumed was Bloomfield. After Sharp sat, she followed suit.

“Major Granger, I’mGeneral Bloomfield. I appreciate you getting here so quickly. The ArmedServices Committee is about to chew their own arms off if they don’t get auniform in the hot seat on this Nine Tech crap. I’m afraid you’ll be raw meatto the hungry beast, but it can’t be helped. The first hearing is tomorrowafternoon, and you’ll meet with counsel’s office to prepare. Tell the truth,nothing more, nothing less. Sharp has volunteered to make sure you’re situatedand to escort you to the Capitol. Understood?”

“Yes, sir.” Zoeyhesitated for just a second as she spoke the words. She was relieved to knowshe’d have a friendly face with her at the hearing tomorrow, but she’d expecteda little more of a dressing down about dragging half a platoon through thisordeal.

“I heard a but,Major. You have something to get off your chest?”

Zoey resisted theurge to glance at Sharp for guidance. For the first half of her career, he’dbeen a careful mentor, guiding her in and around bureaucratic minefields as sheescalated up the ranks to achieve her own command. Much of the way she exertedauthority was based on the lessons she’d learned from him. Relying oneverything she’d learned under his command, she took a page from his book andasked what she really wanted to know. “Permission to speak freely?”

“Say what’s on yourmind.”

“I fully expected achewing out and a little more ‘here’s what we want you to say…’” She paused. “Iunderstand the issue with Nine Tech is likely to cause a lot of problems withthe Senate, especially with regard to budget.”

“Are you asking for ascript, Major?”

Bloomfield’s tone wasgruff, but his eyes were kind, urging her to get it all out. “No, sir. Justletting you know I understand how difficult this situation has become. I assureyou I didn’t have a choice.”

“You always have achoice, soldier, but in this case, you made the right one.” He jabbed a fingerin Sharp’s direction. “I’ve known that man since he was a ninety-day wonder,still wet behind the ears,” he said, referring to Sharp’s stint in OfficerCandidate School. “If Sharp says you’re a good soldier, I trust him. Don’t getme wrong, you created a shit storm, but you’re going to help us find our wayout of it. Understood?”

She nodded eventhough she knew he expected a verbal reply. He was out of his seat and theimplication was clear—she was dismissed. Sharp motioned for her to follow him,and a few minutes later, they were walking back through the building on adifferent concourse than the one the Marine had led her in on.

“Are you hungry?”Sharp asked as they passed by a Pizza Hut.

The idea of a greasyslice of pizza twisted her stomach in knots. “A little, but after airplanefood, I could use something with at least the appearance of green. I can waitif there are meetings scheduled this afternoon.”

“One this afternoonwith staff counsel, and one in the morning with some stiffs from the WhiteHouse. Lawyers,” he said with disdain, “even when they aren’t billing by thehour, they’re looking for an angle. If you want to push through today, I’ll getyou out of here in time for dinner. We’ve got you set up at a hotel inAlexandria. There’s a decent restaurant there.”

“I can wait.”

“There’s that ‘but’again.”