Okay, now they weregetting somewhere. Zoey still didn’t have a clue what was going on, but nowthat she’d identified the source of Rook’s anger, she was ready to pressfurther. “Rory died in service and the information about the circumstances ofhis death has been sealed?”
“That’s one way tospin it. But it would be more accurate to say Rory was killedbytheservice and the information about the circumstances of his death have beenmanipulated to protect the men who killed him.”
Zoey schooled herfeatures to keep from exhibiting the shock Rook’s proclamation elicited. Shetook a deep drink from the whiskey and set the glass on the coffee table,settling on the kind of direct approach she believed Rook would employ with oneof her clients. “Are we going to keep dancing around each other?”
She watched Rookshift in her chair and figured there was an equal chance she’d either fess upor completely shut down. The seconds ticked by and Zoey let the silence hangbetween them, certain if they didn’t clear the air now they never would. Wasn’tlike she had anywhere else she needed to be. The only furniture in her newplace consisted of piles of boxes, and if she was being honest, she didn’treally want to be alone. Working with Rook, rocky as it may have been so far,made her feel a part of something, a feeling she hadn’t experienced since she’dblown the lid on the Nine Tech scandal. Even before she’d come forward, she’dbeen feeling isolated in her command, having moved around so many times she nolonger had a core group of friends or even acquaintances with whom she couldsocialize or commiserate. Watching Rook struggle with her demons, she wonderedif Rook felt isolated too. She softened her tone. “Look, you don’t have to talkto me, but—”
Rook’s voice, low anddeliberate, stopped her. “Rory’s unit was attacked in an apparent ambush on aroad outside of the Tani District of the Khost Province, near the Pakistanborder. After valiant efforts to save the other soldiers in his unit, Rorysuccumbed to enemy fire.”
“I’m so sorry.” Zoeyflinched inwardly at the empty phrase of sympathy and reached for Rook’s hand.She squeezed, certain she’d heard only the scrubbed up version of events. “Iassume there’s more to it.”
“You mean like how hereceived a posthumous elevation of rank and was awarded a Silver Star and aPurple Heart for his efforts? Oh, and let’s not forget that I got a neatlyfolded flag.”
Rook’s voice drippedsarcasm and she punctuated her remarks by pointing across the room at thebookshelf where a triangular shadow box displayed a flag given to relatives atmilitary burials.
Zoey was certainshe’d only just started to peel back the layers and braced for more. “I’d liketo say all the losses we suffered over there were for a good cause, but I getit’s hard to see that considering how things are still so messed up.”
Rook jerked toattention. “Is that your official version? Things are bad, losses are hard,sacrifice for the greater good?” She stood and started pacing. “I just want tomake sure I’m clear on the official version, because it can change on a dime. Afew weeks after Rory’s funeral, some of his fellow soldiers were drunk andmouthing off in a bar about how his death was actually the result of friendlyfire. Apparently, another squad patrolling in the region either didn’t know orwas too careless and wound up barraging Rory’s unit with firepower under themistaken impression they were all Taliban smugglers.”
“Let me guess,” Zoeysaid. “They weren’t just mouthing off.”
“Bingo, Major. Theywere telling the truth. Part of it anyway.”
“So his death was theresult of friendly fire?”
“Yes, but the mysteryremains regarding which of his ‘friends’ fired on him and why it happened inthe first place.”
“You have some reasonto doubt the revised story?”
“I have a bunch ofreasons.” Rook stopped pacing and counted out her points. “There have beendozens of friendly fire incidents during the war in Afghanistan, but this isthe only one we know of where servicemen actively hid the facts. They burnedRory’s body armor, his journals, and his command rushed to award him the SilverStar and Purple Heart which they have yet to revoke even though he didn’t earneither.” Her voice cracked. “We weren’t informed Rory was shot by one of hisown until two months after we buried him.”
“What was theofficial line?”
“The usual. ‘Evidencehas come to light.’ ‘Further investigation revealed.’ All the usualcatchphrases authority uses to create spin.”
Zoey bit her lip tokeep from pointing out that spin was what allowed Rook to live in a house likethe one they were sitting in now. “Did you ever find out what really happened?”
“No, but not for lackof trying. I’ve filed countless FOIA requests. Connie Armstrong personallyrequested the file, but what they gave her was so heavily redacted, it was liketrying to get insight from a block of Swiss cheese. I’ve never been able to geta complete list of the soldiers who were in the unit that laid down the fire. Ihave a lot of clout in this town, but if a US senator can’t get access, I don’thave a chance.”
“Have you thought ofasking Julia?”
“It’s one thing forthe chair of the Armed Forces Committee to ask for information about asoldier’s record, but for the White House to get involved?” Rook shook herhead. “I’d tell any client of mine similarly situated to swing wide away fromthis one.”
Zoey nodded like shegot it, but she didn’t. Julia Scott was arguably the most powerful person inthe country aside from the president. Surely there was some way for her to getwhat Rook needed without causing a backlash, but it wasn’t her place to arguethe point. It was time to face where things stood between them. “I can’t evenimagine the pain you’ve suffered.” She paused and then plunged into the hardpart. “I’ll concede you’ve got decent reasons to hate anyone in a uniform, butyou accepted this job so I’m guessing you don’t think we’re completelyirredeemable.”
“No, not all of you,”Rook said, shooting her a half smile.
Zoey met the smilewith one of her own, feeling the air ease between them now that she understoodRook’s reluctance to work with the military wasn’t about her personally. “I canassure you I’m not interested in being part of a cover-up. Should we get towork?”
Rook stopped pacingand shot her a half smile. “You’re good at that, you know?”
“Good at what?”
“Focus. I thought Iwas the master of drilling down, but you’re better.”
“Years of beingwhipped into shape will do that to you.”
Zoey was instantlysorry for the flippant remark, but Rook greeted it with a smile so she supposedit was okay. Rook settled beside her on the couch. “Can you focus here orshould we move into my study?” Rook asked, this time with a full, broad smile.