“So, you’re in?”

“I’m here, aren’t I?”

“I’m still processingthat after you shut me down yesterday. Rook, if you take this on, you have tostay with it until it’s done. No matter what bright, shiny new client comesyour way.”

“I get it. I haven’ttalked to my team yet, but I’m sure they can pick up any extra slack. I’m notsure this is going to be as complex as you think, but I’m in it for whateveryou need. Now, let’s get started.”

Julia tilted herhead, and Rook sat still during the examination. Finally, Julia smiled andsaid, “Welcome aboard. The first order of business is to introduce you to theliaison from the Joint Staff.”

Rook followed Juliato a conference room down the hall. When they reached the door, she hung backand let Julia enter first, giving the poor schmuck inside time to get used tothe idea he was going to have a handler for the duration of his inquiry. WhenJulia waved her forward, she stepped into the room and her gaze swept over thepersonnel sitting at the table. Two people, both uniformed, but one made herstop in her tracks. “Major?” she said, unable to form any other words.

Both Zoey and the manbeside her looked up and they each said, “Yes?”

At the exact samemoment, Rook had a feeling she was in over her head.

Chapter Eight

What wasshedoing here? Zoey offered a polite smile, but her gut was churning at the sightof Rook standing in front of her looking like she owned the place. She didn’thave time to process her feelings before Major Dixon spoke up.

“I’m Major Dixon,” hesaid with his hand stuck out in greeting. “And this is Major Granger.”

Rook shook his hand,but her eyes were on Zoey the entire time. “Major Granger,” she said, her voicerising in question. “Nice to see you.”

Zoey nodded, acutelyconscious of Dixon’s eyes on both of them, and she wished the floor would riseup and swallow him whole. He’d been annoying since the moment they met, feelingthe constant need to explain the inner workings of the Pentagon in a way thatwas designed to make him look superior. Even Sharp, who’d accompanied them tomake introductions, seemed to find his salacious manner a distraction. Zoey hadalready made a mental note to figure out a way to shake him.

They’d arrived a halfhour earlier, and Zoey had concentrated on acting like it was no big deal tofile in past the Marine guard and be escorted into the inner echelons of theWest Wing. Funny, a couple of weeks ago, she’d checked into the possibility ofa White House tour only to be told she would have to go through a member ofCongress which could take several weeks to get approved, and the “tour” wasonly a self-guided walk-through of the East Wing. Deciding she’d probably seenmore on TV than she’d see on the pseudo-tour, she’d abandoned the idea only towind up here just a few yards from the Oval Office for an initial meeting withthe president’s chief of staff, Julia Scott.

Julia hadacknowledged her with a simple “nice to see you again,” and left them alone togo get “someone who would be assisting with the investigation.” Zoey had wantedto use the time to grill Sharp about why he’d assigned her to this job, butDixon’s constant presence robbed her of the opportunity, and ultimately Sharphad left them to handle the rest of the meeting on their own. Now Julia wasback with Rook in tow and Zoey had way more questions than answers.

“So, here’s how thiswill work,” Julia said, settling in at the head of the table. “I know you’vebeen instructed to conduct a full investigation, but it’s imperative that we bekept in the loop, especially considering the link to General Bloomfield’s son.Ms. Daniels and her team will need complete access to conduct interviews,review documents, whatever she deems necessary. You will consider her an arm ofthe White House for this internal investigation. Understood?”

“Yes,” Zoey answeredbefore Dixon could jump in. “Our orders are unequivocal. We’re to cooperatewith whoever the president designates.”

Rook smiled. “Well,that would be me.” Her expression turned serious. “The first thing I want to dois interview everyone in uniform that has any connection to…” She glancedthrough the folder in front of her. “Lorraine Darcy Inc.” She looked over atJulia. “Who uses their own name to run an escort service?”

Julia shrugged. “Whoknows? Someone who’s really proud of her work, maybe?”

Zoey watched as theyshared a laugh. The joke was funny, but she didn’t dare join in lest she sendthe wrong message to Dixon. There was plenty of misogyny to go around already.

“What’s the processhere?” Rook asked, her gaze trained on Zoey. “I mean, do your guys all lawyerup or are we free to question them without counsel?”

Dixon started toanswer, but Zoey cut him off. “Everyone under our command will cooperate withyou. We’ll want to be present, of course, and anyone you interview will havethe right to have a JAG officer present as well.” After Nine Tech, theprocedures were etched in her mind.

“Fair enough. I havea few things to take care of, but I can be at your office this afternoon to getstarted.”

Zoey felt Dixontwitch beside her. She didn’t want Rook to show up so quickly either, but shewasn’t about to tell her no after they’d just promised her complete access.“Perfect. We’ll have interviews lined up. Is there anything else we can do foryou?”

Rook raised hereyebrows slightly, and Zoey braced for a personal remark, but all Rook saidwas, “Not at the moment, but I reserve the right to let you know if somethingelse comes up.”

Rook’s comment waseasily interpreted as professional, but Zoey knew it was more complicated thanthat. “Would you like to discuss anything further right now?”

Rook looked at Juliabefore turning back to her. “Actually, no. I’d like to go into the interviewswithout a lot of preconceptions about what they’re going to say.”

“Then I suppose we’redone here,” Zoey said, grasping for some control. She stood and Dixon stoodalongside her. “We’ll make the arrangements and have an escort meet you at themain entrance at fourteen hundred.” Remembering not everyone spoke militarytime, she added, “That’s two o’clock in civilian terms.”

Rook grinned. “Gotit. I look forward to seeing you, Major Granger.” She paused for a few beats.“And you too, Major Dixon.”

Zoey walked to thedoor feigning confidence she didn’t feel. Nothing about the meeting had givenher any sense of control. For a second, she wanted to bolt from her newfoundresponsibilities, but she dug deep for fortitude and injected a confident andcommanding tone into her voice as they followed an intern down one of the longand confusing corridors back to the entrance. “Make sure Ms. Daniels and herteam are cleared to enter the building when they arrive this afternoon. Have atleast two of the students from McNair ready to be interviewed today, and we’llget to the others in the next few days. If they’ve been assigned JAG counsel,get them here too because I don’t want to have to toss these interviews becausewe didn’t follow regs. We’ll need a conference room. See if Lieutenant Loudencan arrange something.”