“Want to go watch the show?” Ian asks me as I turn to face him. He pushes some of my hair out of my face and behind my ears. “Are you okay?”

I nod, “It’s just a lot, Ian.”

He pulls me into his arms and kisses my forehead. “I know, sweetheart. I’m sorry about it all.”

With our arms around each other, suddenly the surrounding noise dissipates, and it feels like we’re in our own little bubble where it’s just him and me.

I just wish it could be like this all the time.

This heat and humidity is really getting to me, so I decide that since Ian is hanging out with his friends, that I should go sit down in the air conditioning of Hooplas.

“Hey. I’m going to go inside for a few minutes.” I whisper to him as he’s listening to one of his many friends tell another story.

He turns to me, “Are you okay? Do you need something? Want me to come with you?” He’s searching all over me to make sure I’m okay and my heart melts even more for him.

“I’m fine. Stay with your friends. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” I reassure him.

He nods and I can feel his eyes watching me make my way over to the entrance to the bar.

As I pull open the door, the ice-cold air conditioning hits my face and skin, making me have goosebumps up and down my arms. It feels amazing.

“I’ll wait out here. Let me know if you need anything.” Laura says as she stands next to the door to the bar.

“Okay. Thanks.”

It’s dark in here as the festivities are all occurring outside and the bar is closed, which means it’s also quiet, thankfully. I had no idea how loud it was getting out there. Maybe the heat makes everything louder? I do not know if that’s even possible, but whatever. It’s dark, quiet, and cool inside here, and I’m going to take full advantage of it.

I find a booth in the back of the restaurant section where one of the air vents is blowing full blast onto the bench seat and I sit down underneath it. The booth's backs are so tall that once I sit down, I can’t see anyone coming or going. I’m sure Laura would have something to say about that, but right now, it’s heaven. She’s outside protecting me, anyways.

I pull out my phone to ease the boredom and start scrolling the different social media platforms. A few of them link to some news articles about how Ian and I are the new ‘it’ couple and that everyone wants to be us. I just shake my head at the ridiculousness of it all. No one would have wanted to be me six weeks ago—or even two weeks ago—so why they’d want to be me now amazes me.

Sure, all the money is nice, and Ian has an amazing home and extravagant lifestyle, but in the end, that’s not what matters in life. Having someone to come home to, that’s on your side no matter what, and that loves and cares about you—that’s what is most important in this life. It’s something that I’ve craved for my entire life.

Suddenly, the front door to Hooplas opens and the light brightens up the restaurant as someone walks in. I watch as the light fades away again as the doors close behind whomever walked in.

“Oh, my god. Did you see what she’s wearing?” I can hear one girl say and I recognize her voice. It’s Mackenzie. Will this woman ever go away?

“I know. Targ-et special.” Another one says, making the store name sound French.

“I don’t get what’s up with her hair, ya know? Like, use a brush or something, am I right? I feel like I’m right.” A third girl says.

“It is so hot outside, my make-up is melting, and I haven’t even been able to talk to Ian alone yet. He’s been attached toherand all his friends since he got here. And yes, Aurora, you are right. Her hair is atrocious.” Mackenzie says, and I realize they’re talking about me.

I play with the ends of my hair that are hanging down. What’s wrong with my hair? I think it looks cute today, and I’m pretty sure Ian’s personal shopper didn’t buy this outfit at any discount store.

When I hear Ian’s name mentioned, I sink farther down in my seat. Not that they even know I’m back here. Nevertheless, I don’t want them to see me. Plus, it’s not nice to eavesdrop, but I can’t help myself.

“Have you seen this shit online? America’s Royal Couple? More like the Prince and the Pauper,” the third girl says.

“I don’t think that’s the right story title,” the second girl corrects her friend.

“Whatever, you know what I mean. That hoe bag has got to be doing this for the money.” The third girl bites back at her.

“Of course she is, and Ian will get bored, like he always does, and then kick her to the curb. Again, like he always does.” Mackenzie boasts.

“And you’ll be waiting in the wings to come over and make him feel better.” The second friend singsongs like it’s a fact and it makes my heart drop to my knees.

“You know I will. I mean, fuck, I’m the obvious choice.” Mackenzie boasts again as she laughs. “Hell, our families are practically attached at the hip and we grew up together. Whyhe’s slumming it with her, I’ll never understand, but as long as he gets it out of his system… that’s all I care about.”