Her long hair had been tamed and hung down her back in a thick braid and she was clad in a long-sleeved linen shirt covered by a leather, fur-lined tunic. She’d dispensed with the skirt she had had on the previous night, replacing it with a pair of black britches. He looked her up and down observing, with a twist of pleasure, the way the fabric of her trews clung to her shapely hips.
He dropped a courtly bow, favoring her with a mocking smile. “Good morrow, Captain.”
She fixed him with her clear, green eyes. ‘I trust ye slept comfortably?” She spoke with all the concern of an innkeeper’s wife, concerned about the wellbeing of an honored guest.
He laughed. “Indeed, Captain. Yer pirate hospitality is second to none. Mayhap I’ll return the favor one of these dark nights and have ye sleeping in the bonny dungeon at Barra Castle”
The benign expression on Aileen’s face faded, replaced by the now-familiar scowl.
“Sit, MacNeil. Break yer fast.” She proffered a plate of sliced black-pudding, hard-boiled eggs and oatcakes, which Maxwell eyed hungrily.
“That’s a kind invitation, Captain, but if I’m to accept I’ll need yer man tae remove these chains holding me arms.” He snorted. “Unless, of course, ye intend tae feed me with yer own fair hands.”
Her scowl deepened and she turned to Sea. “Ye heard the man, Sea. Release his arms.”
Sea hesitated, his rugged features reflecting his concern at her command.
“I trust ye’ll keep an eye on our prisoner and if he displays any unwarranted behavior, I expect ye’ll deal with it at once.”
Sea was holding the ebony rod Aileen had cracked Maxwell’s head with the night before. As Maxwell’s eyes lit on it, he shifted the brutal weapon from hand to hand. His threat was clear. Should there be any move from Maxwell not to Sea’s liking, he’d waste no time in applying it.
Maxwell nodded to Sea. “Dinnae fash, fellow. I’ve nay experience in sailing a pirate ship so ye can rest assured I’ll nae try any smart moves while I’m in yer company.”
A hint of a smile played on the man’s harsh features, and he gave an almost imperceptible nod as he lowered his truncheon. After unfastening the lock holding the chains, Sea unwound the weighty length from around Maxell’s arms. With a nod to Aileen, he straightened and walked the two steps to the door. “If ye need me Captain, I’ll be conferring with the sail master.”
Maxwell shook his arms, feeling the blood rushing painfully back into his veins. Once movement returned to his hands, he pulled out a chair and sat facing the now seated Aileen. She surveyed him with an expression that told him nothing of her thoughts, as he assembled his features into a bland expression that hid his admiration as he, in turn, studied her.
He helped himself to a bannock and a generous slice of black pudding.
“And, fair lady, can ye inform me where we’re heading this day?”
“Why, ye can ask, but whether I inform ye of me plans is another matter.”
He rolled his eyes. “Ah, ye’re a difficult lass.”
She looked at him quizzically, one eyebrow raised while he chewed on the bannock. “Had ye nae already figured that out, MacNeil?”
He helped himself to another slice of pudding and looked up with a wry smile. “I dae believe I had grasped that fact before now, Captain.”
He was enjoying this sparring of wits almost as much as the pleasure he’d taken in their bout outside the tavern and the kiss that followed. She guarded herself well, always ready with a cutting reply, but he sensed there was another, more passionate and more vulnerable part of her she kept hidden. A part of her he’d touched briefly when he’d held her in his arms and felt her body melting into his.
It was that part of her that might offer him freedom.
That moment the door swung open and Finn entered the cabin, putting a stop to the sliver of intimacy Maxwell was attempting to bring to his conversation with Aileen.
Finn appeared taken aback to see Maxwell dining at Aileen’s table. She opened her mouth as if to speak and closed it again. Her brown hair was tousled and she tugged her cloak tight around her as if it would offer some protection from Maxwell’s gaze.
“Aileen… Captain… I’ve left the rudder in Sea’s hands, but it looks as if the wind is dropping and the sails are sagging. The Master has said we need to ply our oars if we’re to keep upthis pace and reach…” She glanced warily at Maxwell. “…our destination before tonight.”
Aileen nodded. “Why, ‘tis fortunate that we have an extra pair of hands on board then.” She reached for a bannock and smeared it with jam. “A strapping lad who’ll be of use with the other oarsmen. Tell the master tae bring the men down from the rigging and set them tae the oars. I’ll take this lad out meself and see him take his place wi’ the others.”
She bit delicately into her bannock, throwing Maxwell a look that, to his mind, was pure gloating.
Soon thereafter, they walked together along the deck, Aileen a few steps behind him. He felt her eyes boring into his back and swung around once, catching her staring at him. She looked flustered, like a naughty child disturbed in a forbidden act. He laughed softly, amused by her sudden burst of anger at being caught out.
She was alive with contradictions. On one hand she appeared to be unfaltering; a ruthless captain whose hold on her crew was absolute. Yet, there were chinks in her armor that Maxwell was well aware of. He sensed her wanting him every bit as much as he desired her.
He’d felt her mouth on his, heard her moan with desire and knew he could claim her body again, although she would struggle against it.