Then, as Evan spoke, his dark eyes scanned Alaric from head to toe, as if he was noticing the state he was in for the first time. Alaric knew what he and Lucia both looked like; though they had purchased new clothes for the ride and they had bathed, they were still bruised and swollen, looking as though they had been all but mangled. It must have been an unsettling sight for Evan; Alaric knew that if he ever saw his brother return home like this, he would be concerned too.
Up until that moment, Lucia had been standing to the side, letting him and Evan have a moment, but now Evan’s gaze slid over to her and Alaric could almost see the cogs turning in his mind. His brother glanced back and forth between the two of them a few times, before he seemed to remember his manners and gave Lucia a small bow, one that she awkwardly returned. It was the first time Alaric had seen her even attempt to act like a lady and under any other circumstances, he may have found it a little comical, a little amusing, but now it only served to fuel his panic.
Everyone will wonder who she is. She cannae pretend tae be a noble lass.
But Alaric didn’t want to force her to pretend she was a commoner in need of employment either. Even if it would be the cleanest, most hassle-free solution until he could explain everything to Evan and figure out what to do with Kayla, he didn’t want to put Lucia in such a position.
“I will explain everythin’, trust me,” said Alaric, laying a gentle hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Deep breaths, braither.”
Evan did as he was told, drawing a deep breath through his nose and releasing it through the mouth. Once he was calmer, Alaric patted his shoulder and turned to look at Lucia, who was standing to the side timidly, her nervous energy so unlike her that it gave him pause.
“Evan, this is Lucia,” Alaric said, gesturing to her to approach. “She… she will be stayin’ here fer a while. Lucia, this is me braither, Laird Evan MacGregor.”
Evan hesitated for a moment, surely not only because of the news that Lucia would be staying, but also because of the informal way in which Alaric introduced her. Still, he only smiled a little stiffly and nodded, calling one of the guards closer.
“Make sure Miss?—”
“Donnelly,” said Lucia without missing a beat.
“Miss Donnelly is settled in,” Evan continued. “Perhaps… a change of clothes?”
Lucia glanced down at herself, at the dirt that clung to her tunic and the threadbare cloak she wore, cheeks flushing. She nodded silently and Evan clapped his hands together, ever-cheerful.
“Excellent,” he said. “Please, rest until dinner. Ye will be called once it is served.”
“Thank ye, me laird,” Lucia said in an awkward, stilted and forced tone as she gave another unpracticed curtsy and scurried off after the guard.
Alaric didn’t have the chance to say anything to her—or rather, he could have found the chance, but was so uncertain of this situation himself that no matter what he could tell her, he doubted it would be any comfort. Besides, he could catch a glimpse of Evan from the corner of his eye and he could tell his brother was scrutinizing him still, surely wondering what was happening.
“Is there somethin’ ye wish tae tell me?” Evan asked when Alaric made no effort to explain. With a sigh, Alaric pinched the bridge of his nose, not even knowing where to start.
There was one question, though, that was already plaguing him.
“Where is me betrothed?” he asked. “Has she arrived?”
She must have. She was meant tae arrive days ago.
“Nay,” said Evan, much to Alaric’s surprise. “She’s been delayed. A letter reached us the other day. They claim clan matters, but she is due tae arrive any day. Why?”
Though Evan’s tone was nonchalant, Alaric was not convinced by his performance of ignorance. “Ye ken why.”
“Ach,” said Evan. “So, it is like that.”
“It is… somethin’ like that.”
How could Alaric explain what there was between him and Lucia when he didn’t even know himself? What was there to say to Evan so that he would understand just how precarious their situation was, especially now that Kayla would be arriving soon?
The fact that she was not there already was a small blessing, but one that was only temporary. Maybe now that he had the time, though, Alaric could explain the situation to her and hope that she would understand.
Understand? How could she understand? She will ken it fer the betrayal it is.
Evan must have noticed his gloomy mood, as he slapped a hand over his shoulder and pulled him inside, leading him straight to his study. Though it had been several weeks since Alaric had last been there, he instantly felt at home the moment he stepped intothe warmth of the room. Evan poured them each a cup of wine and handed him one, and Alaric drained it all at once before holding out his hand for Evan to pour him more.
“So, care tae tell me what happened while ye were away?” Evan asked, taking his seat behind his desk, messy with papers as usual.
Alaric nodded slowly, tracing his finger over the carved designs on his cup. “Well… I completed the mission an’ then as I was on me way back, I was ambushed. Lucia, she… she saved me.”
Evan raised a curious eyebrow, leaning closer over his desk. “She saved ye? By herself?”