“Dude, wake the fuck up,” Max demanded, hand suddenly slapping my thigh.
But she must have been reaching out without actually looking because her hand landed a lot higher than I imagined she intended. Her fingers were just an inch or so from my still-straining cock.
When my eyes shot open, though, I saw how she’d managed the miscalculation. Max was sitting at the edge of her seat, half-leaning over the dashboard to see, with just the flickering overhead streetlight to go by, as the front door opened and several men walked out.
She was so distracted that she didn’t even remove her hand from where it was placed. I just barely managed to stop myself from shifting, a move that would make my cock press against the side of her hand.
This was not the place and time.
Did I plan on getting more of her? Oh, fuck yeah. But when not only the diamonds were at risk, but also lives, I figured this wasn’t a good idea. No matter how much I was aching for it, no matter how much I could swear I still felt her taste on my tongue, could hear her moans in my ears.
I forced my gaze out the windshield, watching the men, then looking over at Max to gauge her reaction.
“No,” she said when, after ten minutes, it seemed like no one else was going to emerge. “I mean, it was stupid to think he’d still be here, right? If he killed Henry.”
“I wanted to check just in case there was someone else involved. If one guy was in charge of getting the diamonds and someone else taking out Henry.”
“You still have to talk to the guy who handled the diamonds, though, right?” she asked, squinting at the car that pulled out of the lot.
“He’s not here,” I said. He hadn’t walked in earlier, either. I figured maybe he had a day off. But now I had to track down his ass too.
“What? Then what the fuck are we doing—“ she started, but cut off as she started to turn back, realizing she was still holding my thigh.
Her hand automatically jerked.
And the inevitable happened.
The side of her hand grazed against my cock.
I expected, with her guards fully back in place, that she would snatch her hand away, pretend it didn’t happen, that she didn’t even notice.
I was shocked to watch her eyes go hot, her lips fall open, and a little whimper escape her.
I knew this still wasn’t the fucking time. I had a man to track down. Diamonds on the loose. Zeno to get a hold of.
But, fuck, there was no reasoning with my desire right then.
Encouraged by her reaction, I went ahead and let myself shift in my seat, making my cock not only glide against her hand, but slip under it. The touch of her palm over the head—even through the layers of clothes—was enough to make a shaking exhale escape me.
That little sound moved through her again as she shifted in her seat, making her press her thighs together to ease the ache.
Gaze on hers, I rocked my hips, making my cock slide across her hand again.
She watched me as her hand started to move, cupped, rubbed. Then, frustrated by the barrier, she worked with my button and zipper as I turned over the car, not wanting it to get steamed up as my breathing got faster, more shallow.
Max’s hand was bold, going right into my underwear to close her hand around my hard length, stroking it as she rocked a bit in her seat, lost in her own desire.
And, fuck, if the idea of her getting so hot just touching me didn’t have my own need intensifying.
Max’s fingers caught the hot liquid, teasing it around the head for a second.
Then, suddenly, she was shifting down and sucking me into her mouth before I could even fucking brace for it.
The suck of her warm, needy mouth around me had my hips bucking up, forcing my cock deeper into her mouth as she lowered down, making it hit against the back of her throat.
Her throat clenched in a silent gasp, but a low moan escaped her, vibrating against my cock.
“Fuck,” I groaned, gathering her hair as she started to work me. Bold and reckless, sucking me hard and fast, taking me deep, her fingers moving down to tease and squeeze my balls as she drove me mercilessly toward the edge.