I sucked in a deep breath as I inched my weight up off the creaky frame and mattress. Just then, something else crashed in the apartment. Glass or porcelain.

Someone was looking for something.

My stomach flip-flopped, mind on the wallet, on the diamonds inside it.

Was this him? Miko? Coming for his stash? Had he somehow found out who I was so quickly?

Or, possibly worse yet, was this some random home invasion? Where some ragtag group of morons might come across the stashed diamonds, steal them, and put me at even greater risk from the mafia than I already was.

I wanted to rush to my hiding space, grab the wallet, and hold onto it for dear life. Common sense was the only thing that kept me from rushing to grab it.

They were safer where they were than on my body, where they could much more easily be found.

What I could do, though, was slide open my nightstand and grab my knife. Or get behind the door to the hall and grab the bat I kept leaning there. Or the mace in my bag.

What can I say? I liked being prepared.

But before I could take a single step away from my bed, the bedroom door flew open, cracking hard against the wall and sending the bat I was going to go for shooting a few feet in the other direction.


“Where are they?” a ski-mask-clad intruder demanded, his voice all gravel.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said, proud that my voice didn’t shake. My chin even tilted up, defiant.

“Bitch, I saw you take it from him,” he snarled, stalking toward me.

He saw me… take itfrom him.

So this wasn’t him? The Miko guy?

Could he work for him? A security guard or something? But if he did, why hadn’t he rushed after me? I hadn’t exactly been hauling ass when I walked off after lifting the wallet. I could have easily been chased down.

Why wait and break into my place?

Unless he didn’t work for Miko.

Maybe he’d been following him too, waiting for a chance to steal the diamonds.

Which meant I was still on the line with the mafia. So I really needed this asshole not to find the diamonds.

Decision made, I flew at the nightstand.

I managed to drag open the drawer.

But my wrist was grabbed and my body yanked back before I could close my fingers around the knife.

Pain screamed through my shoulder as I was whipped around.

I came out swinging, my fist colliding with the navy blue, scratchy material of his ski mask, though, softening the blow to his cheek, but pissing him off enough to swing as well.

When his fist met my jaw, there was nothing to absorb the impact.

“I won’t hurt you again if you tell me where they are,” he said between ragged breaths as I started to punch, knee, scratch, and kick.

It was when my fingers snagged the bottom of his mask and yanked it up and off that he lost whatever loose grip he’d had on his control.

The next blow caught me under the chin, the impact hard enough to have me lose my footing and free fall backward until I landed on my mattress.