“So. How was your night with Alexander?” she asks.
“I mostly read. But did you see my text about the farm explanation?” I sit across from her at the table.
“Yeah, I reached out to Mr. Peterson and he is going to ask around to see if anyone reached out to this company he claims to work for. Did he say what company he works for? Or were you able to see?” She puts her pen down and picks up the cookie.
“No he didn’t. I tried to see over his shoulder but he heard me coming so I didn’t get a good opportunity. If he’s here for work wouldn’t they be the one making the bookings for his stays?”
She answers me around a mouthful of cookie, “Already thought about that. It’s booked on his personal credit card. They must be reimbursing him because there’s nothing about a company anywhere.”
Well there goes that route. “We must be able to find out where he works.”
She nods in agreement. “Tomorrow morning it’s my mission. I should have an answer about the farms too. Then I’m digging into a deep dive on his information to find out where and who he works for.”
“Well keep me posted, Gran will be here tomorrow and I’m heading back to the city early in the morning for Larry’s re-election gala,” I roll my eyes. “But I’ll get Gran brought up to speed on all things food and the kitchen before I go.”
“No problem. I’ll text you. Do you know what time you’ll be leaving?”
“Gran should be here around seven, and I’m hoping to be on the road by eight. That way I can get there right at bedtime and I’ll be able to sneak in and sleep before I have to deal with anyone.” I stand from my spot and cross the room to the door leading to the stairs of the inn.
“Got it. See you tomorrow then. Thanks for coffee and cookies.” She smiles at me.
I nod at her and go up to my room to get ready for bed. Checking my suitcase for any last minute additions.
I can’t believe I’m not one step closer to knowing who is lying to me. Alexander had a very believable story, but I can’t shake the feeling I’ve had about him being a thief in the night. He just gives off a bad vibe. And I can’t figure out why Liam would lie to me. Beyond the jealousy, he has no reason.
I climb into my bed, warring with myself and my emotions. Feelings for Liam outweigh the logic that something is going on and I’m in the dark about it all.
A majority of the night was spent pacing a hole in my floor. I haven’t talked to Violet and I’m trying not to barge into the inn and demand she believe me, demand that she trust me unequivocally like I did with her when it came to her asking me to trust her with Alexander. I deserve the same.
The sense of self-justice is the only thing keeping me here on my porch with my coffee and the sunrise, seeking just a moment of peace for my day.
I need to call Emma. She needs to be looped in on what I know. That someone is trying to take our business from us. She hasn’t said it yet, but I have a feeling she is planning to come back to the inn to work when she graduates. Shehasn’t mentioned looking for a job, and she’s basically already running all the financials and business side of the inn. So she deserves to know.
Before I can text her I notice that I have a message waiting from her.
Emma:Need to talk. I’m already up. Text me and I’ll come to you or the barn, just not the inn.
Me:Anyone else need to be looped in?
Me:Okay, meet me in the barn. I’m showering first so give me thirty.
I hop in the shower, rehearsing my speech for Emma while being very curious what she needs to talk about.
After how poorly it was received by Violet, I don’t want Emma to write me off the same. I need her on my side not only professionally but as my sister. If she thinks the same as Violet it’ll really hurt.
We’ve always been close but since she started working side by side with me at the inn we’ve gotten much closer to each other than we are to any of our other siblings.
I get to the barn earlier than expected and have a minute before Emma will be here. I head to the back of the barn to work on some of the carvings for the table I’m building for the bakery.
The door opens but I don’t stop working because I’m expecting Emma, and she already knows my secret.
“Liam, I come bringing coffee. Emma told me to come here to find you. She’s running late.” I hear Cooper’s voice coming from the front of the barn.
“Back here,” I yell.
He walks in holding a bag and a cup from Emerald Roasters.