Page 88 of Wilderness Daddy

Chapter Nineteen


It’s night now. I’d gone out after Anders returned, but neither of us had any luck before darkness fell over the mountain again. Search and rescue workers stop for the night so we sit tight exchanging grim expressions now and then.

We’re playing it cool for Kari, but Lucy’s getting worse and we’re all getting anxious. She needs medical attention and fast, but the hunters could show up at any moment.

During a quick conversation outside, Anders and I debated attempting the trek down the mountain in the morning. We didn’t come to a conclusion, but sitting here feels unproductive and dangerous for Lucy. With three vicious men hunting us, we can’t risk being separated either. We stay together whether we stay or leave.

I eat the stew Anders and Kari made while I was out searching and after eating it, I tuck Kari and myself back in our bed. She’s been quiet since Lucy’s breathing became labored. I pull her close and play with her hair until she’s asleep. It takes me hours to fall into a light and restless slumber, so I wake quickly when Kari stirs.

It’s dark in the cabin with only glowing embers from the fire for light. When Kari untucks herself from my arms I can’t see her, but I grab for her.

“Where are you going, little one?” My voice is sleep-graveled and raw even in a whisper.

“I’m going outside to...” She doesn’t finish her hushed sentence but leans closer and adds, “I can’t hold it any longer.”

“I’ll go with you,” I reply, starting to rise.

“No, I’ll be quick. You sleep.”

“Kari,” I say patiently. I don’t want to argue with her. “Not alone.”

“I don’t need a chaperone to pee.” Her whisper is higher and more urgent. “I won’t wander, I promise, Daddy.”

“Listen, little girl, you aren’t going out there alone. Period. Got me?”

“He’s right,” Anders says from the other side of the room.

“Fine!” Kari snaps. “Do you want to come supervise, too?” She huffs and I tense, my jaw tightening at her disrespect for our host, when she continues. “Can you hurry up?”

“Do you need me to step out for a few minutes, Landon?” Anders’ words cause Kari to take in a swift breath. “Sounds like you two need to talk.” His last word tells me he knows exactly what kind of relationship Kari and I have and what Kari needs.

“I’m sorry, Anders. I really have to go and... I’m sorry.”

I can’t help but smile at her change of tune. “We’ll talk outside. Thanks, Anders.”