“Do you know how dangerous it can be out here?” His brows lower to match his frown and my gut drops further.
“Daddy, I know it was stupid. I do. I even told myself I’d ask you to punish me for it, but I don’t regret it now that I’ve found you. Not even for a hundred stripes with your belt.”
“Little girl, you’ve never felt my belt so you’d best be careful what you say.” His hand moves from my shoulder to my neck, holding the back of it to pull my forehead to his lips as he leans down to kiss it. “And another thing, honey, you don’t have to ask for it, you’re getting it anyway.”
His serious face and words make my heart flip and my gut plummet, but that kiss on my head makes me feel so safe in his care. I fall forward and lean against his chest.
“Baby, you’re okay, yeah? No damage?” He brushes the back on his fingers across my face. “Besides these scratches anyway?”
“No, Daddy, I’m okay. Just a little scraped, frightened, and cold.”
“When’s the last time you ate or drank?”
“I’m hydrated and I had a protein bar a few hours ago.”
“You have more in your pack?”
“Yes,” I answer. He releases me and takes my bag, grabbing both another water bottle and a bag of trail mix. He’s all business and although I understand, I wish he’d just hold me again.
“Eat and drink as we walk.” He waits until I take the bottle and bag before continuing. “You put yourself in so much danger and that was our deal, wasn’t it? You get spanked for endangering yourself, yeah?”
“Yes, I remember our deal. I’m taking responsibility. I won’t fight you.”
“Good!” He plants another kiss on the top of my head. “That’ll have to wait though.” He takes my chin between his finger and thumb, tipping my chin up. “Let’s get you to camp and warmed up.” He leans down and kisses my mouth tenderly.
“I missed you, baby girl.”
Those words hit me straight in the heart and I have to swallow a mass of emotion stuck in my throat before I speak. “I’ve missed you too.”
He takes my hand and guides me out of the thicket into a clearer area easier for walking.
“How far is it? I’m so tired.”
“I imagine. When did you come after me?”
“This morning.”
He gathers a breath, a muscle ticking in his jaw. He’s mad, but holding it in well.
“It’s been a long day for you, little one. It’s not much farther.” He pauses and looks down at me and I again admire his sexy new look. “Do you need me to carry you?”
I smile. A big grin. “I can make it. But can I sit on your lap in front of a warm fire when we get to camp? I’ve missed your arms around me.”
It takes a minute but his frown eases and he returns my smile with his own wide furry grin. “Baby girl, I’d like that very much. Just don’t forget your ass is mine once you’re warm.”
I swallow hard but nod. “I know.”
We walk on and the only thing that keeps me going is the thought of being in his arms and maybe even the punishment he’s going to give me. There’s a sense of dread in me, but it’s mixed with a frisson of arousal.
“Any chance you’ve got some marshmallows at camp?”
He catches me as I trip on a broken branch.
“Wish I did, baby, but the only thing edible at camp right now is some cattail root and leeks. I also have some ginger and mint I can make into tea.”
I grimace and glance at the trail mix in my hand before looking back at him. “When’s the last time you had something substantial to eat?”
He chuckles and the sound is music to my ears. “I had salmon steamed with strawberry leaves for flavor, and some pond lily roots for dinner.”