“Pass it off as my work and see what he says and then you’ll have your proof. And whatever this is... remember it isn’t about us.”
“I didn’t think anyone really saw me, Landon.” Her lip wobbles and she hugs the envelope to her chest. A single tear falls down her cheek and she looks at the floor. “I won’t marry him.”
I relax at her words, the air finally rushing through my lungs with ease. But then she looks up again and it’s like a sucker punch.
“I won’t marry anyone.” She spits the words and spins, yanking free of my grasp. It takes me several precious seconds to find air, to free my feet from the spot they seem frozen to.
“Wait!” I follow, but she’s already down the stairs and I stumble over the rest of our clothes. I hear the door fly open and smack closed as I stumble down the steps, jumping down the last few.
“Don’t you dare run, Akari!” I holler as if she isn’t already doing that. “Don’t end things this way before I leave.”
“I’m sorry!” Her words fly back at me as I open the door and rush out. She’s already on the ATV, both helmets left on the ground. And before I’ve even set one bare foot on the grass, she’s gone, the sound of the roaring motor and the stink of gas all that’s left. My jaw tightens.
My gut drops but worry tugs at my attention. I know the statistics of ATV accidents and she’s not in her right mind. I fumble in my jeans for my cell and call Grant.
“Akari’s heading that way on the ATV. She’s pissed. Can you make sure she gets home safely?”
“Yeah, sure, no problem.” He doesn’t joke and I hang up before he can ask any questions.
I don’t feel like seeing my father either, so I head back into the cabin. I only last ten minutes inside, feeling caged, before I head out to the river. I fight the urge to call my brother again. To make sure she’s made it. But I know he’d call me if she didn’t.
I sit on a rock listening to the rush of water, letting it soothe me. I have to get some rest but I’m fighting the urge to run back to my parents’, jump into my truck, and go to Akari. To tell her I’ll marry her. And not just so she won’t marry someone else either.
I miss her already. I feel a loneliness I’ve never felt in nature before. For the first time in my life nature isn’t enough to fulfill me.