Chapter Twenty
Landon wasn’t joking about keeping me in bed for forty-eight hours. Every time I set my foot on the floor, his brow lifts and now he’s even taking to tapping the belt that’s strapped around his waist. It gives me shivers—mostly pleasurable ones. But I know he’s doing it partially to distract me from the fact that he’s taking me to my parents in a few hours. Our family has a lot to work through and though I’m dreading it, I know it needs to be done.
“I just have to pee!” I proclaim as I stand. He’s spoiled me, feeding me in bed and giving me hot baths, washing every inch of me—thoroughly. He’s read to me. Sang three really bad renditions of a popular country song and played crazy eights with me for hours. But I’m done being bed bound. We’re out of danger and alone and I can think of better things to do.
“Watch your tone, honey. I love your feisty side but I’m in the mood to have you ass up over my knee and then ass up over the bed.” His dimple flirts with me and I bite my lip.
“And I’m in the mood for that too,” I reply and move toward his chair in the corner of the room.
“Thought you had to pee,” he questions with a brow quirk as I get closer to him and farther from the bathroom. His ankle is over his knee and he’s slouched just enough to look both relaxed and sexy as hell.
“Shush, Daddy. I’m busy,” I say and I lower to my knees in front of his chair.
Landon uncrosses his legs and leans forward, his elbows propped on his knees a moment before he reaches one hand forward to tip my chin up.
“Come again?”
I swallow hard at his tone. Goosebumps of trepidation erupt on my skin.
“You need to be put in your place, don’t you, honey?”
Looking up through my lashes, I shake my head and pout. “Daddy, I know my place.” Reaching for his jeans, I curl my fingers around his leather belt. “It’s on your...”
He covers my mouth, muffling the word coming from my lips. “Careful, honey, I’ll have to wash your mouth out.”
I wiggle my brows and yank the band of leather out of the loops of his jeans. “With what?” I lick my lips and Landon fights a laugh, but I can see it in his eyes, the corners crinkling.
As he rises to his full height, my blood pounds. Sunlight filters through the open window onto his skin.
Looking up from my knees, I pout. “That’s not how I saw this going, Daddy.” I sit back on my haunches, crossing my arms, very aware of his almost unbuckled belt. “It’s almost been forty-eight hours,” I say, my fingers curling around the leather flap to tease the buckle open. “Couldn’t I persuade you to let me off early... if I get you off?” I look up, way up, to see his stern expression. My chest flutters and I salivate.
“Little one, you’re pushing Daddy’s buttons.”
“So push back.” I rise, keeping my eyes on his. I turn to go to the bathroom when he catches my arm. Spinning me, he yanks me forward and our bodies collide, knocking the breath from me. Landon releases my arm and both of his hands circle my waist. He boosts me up so we’re face to face. I wrap my arms and legs around him, drinking in his hungry stare.