I cry out and something feral sounding rips from Landon’s throat, but he can no longer move. He’s being held back by the other man and a gun.
“One more fucking move and I’m shooting one of you in the face.” Blood drips down the guy’s forehead from where I whacked him with the rock, which only makes his grin, a nasty tooth-decay-ridden smile, scarier. He licks his lips at me. “And it won’t be the girl. I’m not into necrophilia.”
“Tie him up,” the man says to Red before looking to the kid. “Grab anything of use and find the Wilderness Man’s damn GPS and GoPro. We don’t need them signaling for help or someone finding any footage of us killing him.”
I gasp and he shoots me a lecherous look. “He’s not as useful as you, doll. But he can help us find the Sasquatch so as long as he doesn’t piss me off, he can live for now.”
I press my lips. I still have my own GPS and I’m wearing Landon’s jacket with the GoPro attached. I glance down. It’s not noticeable hooked into the buttonhole of the top of the jacket. I fold it over a little so it’s even more hidden. Hopefully they won’t search me. And maybe I’ll get an opportunity to ping my brother an alert with my GPS. I’ll need to watch for a signal.
“The action cam fell into the lake, but I’ll tell you where the GPS is if you promise not to hurt him. “ I volunteer the info in hopes my lie seems more believable.
“Fine. Where is it?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Small pocket inside the hiking pack.”
They find the GPS and Red crushes it under his boot. He binds Landon’s hands behind him and then his arms to his body while the others rip apart the camp, taking anything useful. The blonde is still just lying on the stretcher unmoving. They ignore her as if she’s nothing more than a log or rock. At one point Red kicks the stretcher out of his way.
“Bear!” I say with a purposeful shake to my voice, scrambling back and pointing into the bush. Red and the others look. It gives me a few seconds to fish out the GPS.
“We’re making too much noise for a bear to come ‘round. Besides, it might be entertainin’ to see the Wilderness Man fight a grizzly with his hands tied. What do ya think, Gillie?” Red chuckles while turning completely to peer into the woods thoroughly, giving me a chance to check for a signal.
“She’s trying to distract you, stupid,” Gillie, the third man, says, making Red turn on me as soon as I shove the GPS back in my pocket. No signal.
“You screwin’ with me?” he asks, baring his teeth, coming toward me. I cower.
“Touch her and when I kill you, I’ll make it hurt.” The fierceness in Landon’s voice chills even me.
I don’t know if it was his intention, but he draws Red away from me. There are consequences and with Landon tied up he can’t protect himself from the blows. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to control my trembling and to erase the sight of blood spraying from Landon’s mouth from my mind.
When I open them, I look right at Landon. I need to see he’s okay. He reassures me with a slight nod and tears well in my eyes.
He mouths the words, “Baby, we’re going to get through this.” And I suck in my emotions, finding strength in his words.
* * *
The hike is long andhard, the terrain rocky and the brush thick. I’m exhausted but every time I stumble Gillie yanks me straight and shoves me on. I want to punch him in the damn mouth but I know that will only provoke them.
“Billy, take her. I gotta piss.” Gillie shoves me toward the kid. He takes my arm firmly but not in a hurtful way.
“It’s not much longer, okay? I’m sure they’ll let you rest when we get there.” He speaks in a hushed tone so the others don’t hear.
I give him a small smile despite the surge of anger and fear I feel. It’s time to develop a relationship with my captor.
“Thank you,” I say and add a slight limp to my walk to garner some extra sympathy. If I can lower his guard, perhaps I can escape.
“You’re not like them,” I say quietly, in my sweetest voice. “A real man doesn’t need to be violent to get a woman to do what he wants.” His eyes swing sideways to mine and the corner of his mouth tightens in a barely there smile.
“The last thing I want to be is like them.” His mouth forms a tight line as he glances toward Red.
“Good.” And this time I flash my hundred-watt grin. “I’ve had it with overbearing men. I just want a nice guy.”
He nods. “That guy’s not nice?” he asks, nodding his head toward Landon. I’m playing this guy, so I have to bring it. I glance at Landon and shrug.
“Nice enough, but he’s bossy as hell.”