Page 78 of Wilderness Daddy

“You’re okay. We’re going to take care of you.” I croon, stumbling a bit in the darkness. I get her to the bed and look her over the best I can in the flickering light.

Akari’s behind me but looking around my body. “It’s her. It’s the blonde.”

“She’s in rough shape,” I announce and take the torch from Kari. I toss it back in the fire pit, not wanting her to get burnt.

“I see some lacerations on her legs. Maybe one’s infected. She’s burning up, but I can’t see much in the dark.” I rub the back of my neck. “She needs medical attention,” I mumble, more to myself than Kari, but she hears.

“How are we going to get that?” Anxiety laces her voice. “And if he found us, won’t the others?”

“They’re tracking him, so maybe.” I look out into the darkness again, blinking, trying to remember the details of what I saw. “It was a huge risk to bring us the girl.”

“What are we going to do?”

“I know one thing; I’m going to hurt those bastards and good,” I say, anger coursing through me. “But first, as planned, I’m getting you out of here.” I gather a breath. “And with our sick friend, that just became a lot more complicated.”