Page 70 of Wilderness Daddy

“Oh, I deserve it, Daddy.”

“That’s not all you deserve, my sweet girl.” I climb in, straddling her, pinning her in place with my hard stare. The bed is bowing beneath my weight, but I lean down, kissing her hard before I distribute myself evenly by tucking in beside her. I zip the bag around us and she wiggles her ass against my quickly hardening cock, sighing contentedly.

“Sleep first. It’s been a long night for both of us.” I’m not sure who I’m speaking to, her or my cock.

She’s asleep quickly, her breathing soft and steady and I hold her, thankful she’s in my arms safe. I think of tomorrow and despite the deep ache in my chest over it, I know it’s the right thing to do. I squeeze her a little tighter and fall asleep too.

* * *

“You’re sure we’re safehere tonight?” Akari asks as soon as we wake a few hours later.

“They’ve been through here, but if they don’t pick up a trail I guarantee they’ll double back. I’m getting you out of here before they do. We’ll head out at first light tomorrow.”

She bolts up. “You mean we’re both going back, right?”

I pull her back down, shooting her a warning look.

“You’re going to break my bed, woman. Lie back down. You knew I was just taking you back. Now it’s even more imperative.”

“But you’re in danger as well. You said they’ve shot at you too. And I’ve proven myself. I can help.” There’s a stubborn edge to her voice that agitates me. “I’m not leaving.”

“The hell you’re not, Kari. I made a commitment; you didn’t.” This time I sit up on my elbow and she twists to face me.

“I came here to help. I want to be with you on this project. I want to be on your team.” She looks down, unable to hold my gaze. “I want to be with you.”

“Kari, it’s too dangerous now. And it’s not a project. It’s not just some marketing scheme to me. This is my dream.” I soften my tone. “And I want to be with you too, but not at the cost of your safety. And these deranged hunters don’t want me. Other than being territorial, they couldn’t care less about me.”

“Deranged hunters are deranged; it’s in their name. So they’re irrational and crazed and dangerous for both of us!” she says, her eyes finding mine and glinting sharply. And then, lowering her face, she adds, “I can’t lose you.” When she looks up, her eyes are glassy, her lip wobbling slightly. “I want to be a part of that dream.” She catches her lip between her teeth and her chest rises as if she’s holding back a torrent of emotion.

“What if they get you after you take me back?”

“Honey. Aw, baby girl.” I touch her face and she melts into my hand. “I can take care of myself, but not with you here. I’ll be distracted worrying about you.”

“Okay,” she says, closing her eyes. I kiss her lips softly before continuing.

“I never wanted to be cooped up in an office running the business. I did it out of family obligation. Grant has never shown any interest and someone has to help my dad. I’ve wanted to be out here because this is me. This is what I’m good at.”

Her eyes open wide a flash before they narrow, focusing on my face. “I assumed you loved running Steed. You’ve been fighting so hard for it.”

“I do, for my family. I’ll do anything for my family—for the ones I love.”

“You run Steed out of obligation and I fight every day for the chance to run Takahashi, but you know what?”

I brush my lips against her forehead absently. “What, baby?”

“I just realized. I have no passion for running Takahashi Sports. I’m passionate about proving I can.” She huffs out a laugh.

“So if you put that aside and could do anything you wanted, what would it be?”

Her brow crunches and she looks thoughtful. “I don’t know but it wouldn’t be selling fucking basketballs. It would be something business though.” She smirks as my brows rise at her language, but I fight to hide my amusement. “Sorry, Daddy.”

“Selling fucking basketballs sounds boring,” I say with a crooked grin and she giggles.

“So you’re basically saying if someone tells you you can’t do something, you fight twice as hard to do it?”

Her head bobs. “A hundred times,” she adds with a small laugh and I squeeze her ass.

“Well, I knew you were a brat, so that’s no surprise.” I stop squeezing and pat her bottom instead.