“Good. Get it. Keep it in your pocket. If it’s not on your person, it’s useless. I won’t be more than ten minutes.”
I watch him as he walks away. His sure gait, his confident posture, and his relaxed nature all call to me. He’s at home out here. I look around. Am I? Not really, I admit. But I do love the peace and quiet. The pressures out here are different. I have nothing to prove. I just have to survive.
This is Landon’s dream though. I’ve fallen for him, but are we a good match without the merging companies? Could I live his dream with him? Could I be happy out here?
I don’t know the answer to that, but my heart wants what it wants, and that’s Landon Steed. The only thing is, I’ve never let my heart speak before much less given it control, and here I am in the mountains, with bears, cougars, and wolves and the man who makes the danger of it all intoxicating.
A snap of undergrowth from the opposite direction has me spinning, reaching for my bear spray, but it’s just a squirrel. I’m too jumpy. If I want to be out here with Landon, I need to be able to hear a noise without breaking out in a panic.
The bear spray in my pocket reminds me of my GPS and that I haven’t sent my brother an okay message since yesterday. I check for a signal. Nothing. I’ll go for a walk later and see if I can get a signal. Maybe from higher ground.
When Landon returns, he gives my shoulder a squeeze, telling me the fire looks fantastic and again I bask in his praise. He boils the water, making us a mint tea, which we sip while the water cools enough to fill my bottles and his cup. My stomach is growling like a hungry bear as he scrambles the eggs.
“Can’t I do that? You’re doing everything and I feel a little like a useless princess here.” I watch him slave over our eggs as I sit on the log in front of the fire.
He shoots me a smirk, his gorgeous dimpled smile igniting the flurry of butterflies within me.
“Baby, you are my little princess.”
I roll my eyes, ignoring the flutter of excitement his words give me. “You know what I mean.”
“Did you just roll your eyes at me, princess?”
It’s my turn to smirk then. “I may have,” I reply, a giggle just below the surface of my words. “What are you going to do about it, Wilderness Man?”
His eyes narrow and he looks at the pot he’s stirring to keep the eggs from burning. “Nothing right now,” he says, almost sullenly. “But after we eat these eggs, I’m gonna make my spoiled little princess regret it.”
“Oh, really,” I tease. “And how are you going to do that? My ass still stings from yesterday.”
“Oh, I won’t be taking this out on your ass, darlin’. I plan on using my other charms to make you regret it.” He pulls the pot off the fire and sets it aside, coming for me.
I don’t move. I wouldn’t move now even if there were a bear in our camp. No way, not the way my clit instantly throbs for him. “Should I be scared of that wild snake in your pants?”
“Be scared of that snake bringing you to the absolute brink and slithering away.” He laughs at our corniness.
“You wouldn’t,” I dare, scowling.
“Oh, I would.” He chuckles at my slack jaw. “We’ll continue this conversation after we eat though.” He hands me a small rudimentary spoon carved out of wood and a flat piece of smooth bark from his backpack.
“Put the plate on your lap.” As he scrapes the eggs carefully on my plate he continues, “Be careful not to drop any food. We need to keep our camp free of food stuff smells. A bear can even smell Chapstick and come hunting around.”
I nod and dig in as he takes the spoon he was using to cook with and eats his eggs right out of the pot. I moan, he moans, and we both laugh. Who would imagine that eggs could taste so divine?
When we’re finished he burns our plates and spoons, reminding me any food scents could attract unwanted predators.
“I’m taking this pot down to the lake to clean it. Behave while I’m gone, little princess. Daddy’s got plans for you when I return.”
I rise from my spot on the log and go to him, placing both my hands on his bearded cheeks and planting a kiss on his lips.
“Maybe this can wait a few minutes,” he says and sets the pot down to take me into his arms tightly. He swings me around, making me grab him for balance even though it’s unnecessary with his sure grip. I cling to his shoulders and he pushes me back against a tree.
His kiss tastes of mint and eggs and makes me dizzy with need, especially when his mouth leaves mine and heads down my jaw and to my neck. God, between his warm, moist mouth and his beard, my knees weaken, my middle grows heavy with want, and my nipples ache for his touch.
As if he’s read my mind his hand cups my breast, kneads a moment before he starts stroking my nipple with his thumb. The bud tightens to an erect peak, begging for his mouth. His leg parts mine and he presses his thigh firmly against my pussy.
“Landon,” I say breathily, closing my eyes tightly as I press my pussy against his thick, hard thigh. “Please, I...” I don’t finish my sentence or my thought as he tears open my shirt, buttons popping, releasing from their holes. My tee is next, along with my sports bra. He shoves them up, releasing my breasts. Before I can clear my head, his beard scrapes against my flesh and his mouth sucks in one of my tight, tingling buds.
I gasp, arching my back as much as he’ll allow and release him to brace myself against the tree trunk. He sucks my nipple deep, so achingly deep, I can feel it right to my clit.