Page 32 of Wilderness Daddy

“Are you embarrassed that I spanked you? Or that Daddy had to remind you how good little girls behave?”


He smiles. “Good.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t smack my ass again in the middle of the boardroom.” Saying what I’ve been thinking out loud makes tingles break out on the skin of my backside.

“Little one, we’re both in a difficult spot, but you’re dealing with a whole other beast and I know it.” He grins. “In the boardroom you were just doing your job. Cunning is always required in business.”

He leans forward and his forehead touches mine. Something electric scatters through me. “I see how you’re treated and that’s not right. You need a good daddy. One that sees what you’re capable of, is proud of your intelligence, and nurtures the little girl inside you. And let’s not forget, occasionally puts you over his knee to teach you to behave or to reward you.”

He says it like he’s calling himself Daddy and I can only nod. Suddenly my panties are soaked and my breath is stuck. What the hell? Am I secretly harboring some sort of daddy fantasy? And God, I want that reward. I bite my lip, squeezing my thighs tight to combat the throbbing.

“When I get back, whether or not things go the way I plan, I’ll be here for you. I won’t treat you like your family does. And if we have to get married, we’ll be partners.” He taps my forehead with his long thick finger. “We’ll put that big brain to use at Steed and Takahashi. I won’t let him keep you down.”

I flash a grin before pulling back and schooling my features again. “And you won’t ignore me when I do something you disagree with?”

He chuckles and the deep sound goes straight to my pulsing clit.

“Babe, if I disagree we’ll talk about it. If you act like a brat...” He shoves his hand through my hair, his fingers threading though it until he cups my head. “You know how I’ll deal with it.” His lips brush my forehead and tears spring to my eyes. “I’ll never shut you out, but I’ll spank your ass until you have to think twice about sitting for a while.”


He shakes his head, releases my hair, and cups my chin. “I’ll spank you if you’re a brat, or if you do anything childish or dangerous, but otherwise, we’ll be a team.”

He smiles and his words affect me so much I shove forward on the tailgate and hook him with my legs, yanking him to me. Wrapping my legs around his hips I pull him tight against me. I kiss him, deep and needy, creating a fire inside me so hot I can’t control it. It has a life of its own. It moves me as if my brain has been temporarily remanded.

He kisses me back, and his arms hold me while my hips grind unabashedly against him. I rub my pussy against his hard bulge like a wanton little whore. And while I may not be a whore, I have never been so wanton in my life.

My hands find his hard chest and massage his pecs as our mouths share heat and moisture. I groan against his demanding lips and quiver as he places his hands to cup my face.

“Landon, please,” I say breathily. “Please.”

He stops, pulling himself back. His breathing is as ragged as mine and his eyes look almost liquid with need.

“Akari, I’m leaving. I won’t take advantage of you when clearly you’re vulnerable.”

“Damn you!” I shout and hop off the back of the truck. I swing at the can I’d set on the work bench, sending it flying and clattering on the concrete floor. And then I leave, ignoring my name as he calls after me.

I’m angered by his rejection, but more so by his comment about my vulnerability. It insinuates I lack judgment and that I might regret him taking my virtue.

Screw you, Landon Steed. I’m just as capable of making decisions about my vagina as I am about business.

* * *

I drive blindly, angerfueling my foot on the gas pedal, for ten minutes before I realize I’ve done it again. I’ve let my emotions control me rather than my mind, which is exactly what Landon pointed out by way of his hand to my ass, twice now.

I have never been so turned on and I don’t know what to do. The rejection stopped the hunger for a few minutes but now that I’m no longer angry, my body craves his touch. I know he’s a good man trying to do what’s right and yes, I’m screwed up and vulnerable, although I hate even thinking it, but...

I shift in my seat, pressing my thighs together. Damn him. He’s right. I’m only overreacting because I’m horny and scared at the thought of him leaving.

What if he finds someone else while he’s gone and changes his mind? What will I do if I have to marry Hattori? Worse than that, what will I do if I miss him? I bite my lip to keep my tears back.

I will miss him.

No one sees me but him and now that I have a taste for it, for being myself, I dread the thought of going back into solitary confinement. Being seen, not heard. Being underestimated, undervalued, and forced to fight. Not being allowed to be small, feminine, and emotional because it will undermine any progress I’ve made at being seen as capable.

“Ah, shit,” I say and take a sharp turn to go back. The driver behind me blares his horn. I wave an apology but he only shakes his head as if I’m just some stupid woman driver. I frown and shoot him the finger. I hate assholes like that.