Page 23 of Prom King

I take a sip of my wine. “Have I mentioned that I like you?”

“Not today.”

“I like you.”

He clicks the button on the remote to start the movie. “I like you too.”

The story behind the film is pretty simple. There’s a girl who’s head over heels in love with this guy and they’ve known each other forever. Only the guy is dating her best friend. And then, they get engaged and suddenly things get twisty when she admits she’s still in love with him. It’s around that time that I feel Adam stir, and then the soft feeling of lips on my neck.

I’m relaxed and drowsy and tipsy and the sensation of his lips on my skin makes my body wake up and purr. I tilt my head away to give him better access, and he takes it. Teeth graze my skin, and then his lips. I’m not sure we’re going to make it to the end of the film.

Reaching over, I set my wine glass down next to his. But when I go to move, to turn so that I can reach him and his lips, the arm around my waist holds me still. “Watch the movie,” he says softly.

“How am I supposed to watch when you’re doing that?”

His soft laugh makes good chills run across my skin. “Multi-task?”

“Is that what you’re doing?” I gasp as he gently bites my shoulder.

He takes my free hand with his and weaves our fingers together, keeping me from reaching for him. “I told you I would.”

I try to focus on the plot of the film while Adam continues his exploration of my neck and shoulder. “Am I showing up to work tomorrow with a hickey?”

“How about you call out sick from work tomorrow and we go straight out to the island?”

I let my head rest back against his shoulder. “As long as you stop and let me grab some stuff from home, I’m yours.”

He growls, and moves me so he can reach my neck again. And when there’s no more skin that he can reach and hasn’t already touched with his mouth, the hand he’s been keeping on my waist creeps to my skirt. And then, slowly, underneath it. “Adam,” I say.

“Watch the movie.”

I try. Turns out the guy had a crush on the main character and now they’re seeing each other behind the back of her best friend and he might break it off with his fiancée. I don’t blame them if they’re in love but this is a much more serious film than I would have thought. And I keep getting distracted by Adam’s fingers, now on my thigh, barely moving but still slowly getting closer.

The anticipation is driving me mad. My breath is shallow and I’m tense, watching the movie and waiting, just waiting for him to touch me. It takes forever. But when he does, fire blooms in my stomach. He moves his fingers under the fabric of my thong so that they’re resting on my clit and I can’t breathe anymore.

And I still can’t breathe, because nothing happens. He doesn’t do anything, except for the tiniest of movements to let me know that he’s right there. That any moment, he could start to move and give me pleasure and the thought makes me wet. And then I feel the wetness build under his fingers, and blush, the somehow embarrassing and arousing thought that he can feel me getting wetter by the second is only making it happen faster.

On the screen, the couple has just been caught together by the best friend and everything is falling apart. Adam’s fingers move, just a little, a small circle. I want more, and I reach down to cover his hand with mine, to guide him, but he’s faster. His free hand catches me by the wrist and pulls my arm across my body. Now he has both my wrists in his hand, and there’s nothing I can do but let him make those small, infuriating movements on my clit.

I twist a little. “What are you doing?”

“Watch the movie,” he smirks.

“I can’t when you’re touching me like that,” I say, tensing as he draws another tiny circle.

He makes a face that tells me he’s not sorry, that he’s amused by my predicament. “You’ll survive.”

“Adam,” I beg. “Please.”

“Watch the movie, Olivia.” The way he says my name makes me shiver. “Because when it’s over, I’m going to take you to bed, and I don’t plan on getting very much sleep tonight.”

He moves his hand again, harder this time, and I close my eyes for a second. He’s teasing me. Getting me ready for us to play together. I bite my lip and try to focus and ignore the way he’s slowly stroking me now as the film comes to a close. The wedding is off, and the best friends don’t really make up, but they come to terms. But more importantly, the main character and her man are together and happy and so it’s still a happy ending, even if it’s a little sad.

But I honestly don’t care that much, not when Adam has me hanging on by one twitch of his hand. After what seems like forever, the credits finally roll, and Adam releases my hands to turn off the TV.

“Are you ready?” he asks me.

“For what?” I want him to tell me what he has planned.

He smiles slowly, fingers dipping down to circle my pussy and back up. “To see my bedroom.”



My cock is so hard that I might pass out because there’s not enough blood flowing to my brain. But seeing Ollie worked up like this, biting her lip, panting as I slowly touch her, is well worth it. I guide her off the couch and down the hall to my bedroom, which is my favorite room in my apartment, and really the only one I had any say in decorating. I chose a bed that’s so big it takes up easily a quarter of the space. And I’m glad for it now.

The windows in here also look out over the Hudson, and I’ve got lights that can be set to custom setting. I turn them to a low setting, moody and dark so I can see Ollie but I’m not ruining the mood with bright lights.

She’s standing in the middle of the room, looking around at my bedroom, and I try to imagine how she’d see it. But I’m not sure what she’s thinking. Finally, “That’s an amazing bed.”

“I enjoy sleeping in a large one.”

“And other things?” She smirks.

I cross back to her. “And other things.”

Pulling her back against me, I kiss her neck again. I love this part of her, just like I love every part of her. Her skin is soft under my lips and tongue and I like feeling her react, the way her body tenses and anticipates and yields.

I find her zipper, pull it down, and suddenly the purple dress is a puddle around her feet and she’s dressed in nothing but lingerie that’s scraps of lace. I didn’t think it was possible for me to get any harder. I was wrong.

Ollie looks over her shoulder at me as she walks to my bed and stretches out on it, lifting her ass in the air. Fuck. I can’t get my clothes off fast enough. I want to touch her, and I want to be naked when I do. But I don’t join her on the bed. I run my hand down her back, cup her ass, and on instinct I take a bite. She makes the most satisfying moan.

“There are so many things that I want to do with you, Ollie.”

“Like what?” She’s purposely moving her ass under my hand, and I feel like I’m hypnotized.

I draw my hand across her ass, and dare to touch her there. She stills, and I press my finger against her, almost hard enough to enter, but not quite. “Like this.”

Ollie turns around, coming to her knees on the bed so we’re almost the same height. I hadn’t seen her from the front in this underwear, and the deep purple lace is surrounded by straps that look like some kind of sexy web. The thong rides up on her hips and even though it hides nothing, that little piece of fabric makes my cock twitch.

“I’ve always wanted to try that,” she says.

I’m so distracted by the way she looks in lace that I almost don’t hear her. “What?”

She smiles slowly. “I said I’ve always wanted to try that. That and lots of other things.”

I suck in a sharp breath. “And how would you feel about trying that tonight?”

Ollie puts her hands around my neck and arches back, and my eyes have no choice but to drop down the line of her perfect, curvy, gorgeous body. “I’m not opposed. I think I’m jus

t drunk enough to try.”

I stifle a groan. This wasn’t what I had planned. It’s way better. Dipping her back further, I cover one of her nipples with my mouth, sucking it through the fabric. “You’re going to need a warm-up orgasm,” I say, switching to her other breast and listening to her breath speed up.

“That won’t take long.”

I let her drop back on the bed and for the second time today I get the chance to bury my face in her pussy. I’ll never understand men who wouldn’t do this. It’s pure erotic energy. You can taste just how much a woman wants you, feel her clench down on your tongue and your fingers and nothing feels better than making her come with nothing but your mouth.

Her thong is still there, and I don’t bother to remove it. I lick her through the lace, using the friction of the fabric to my advantage. “Oh god,” Ollie says. She’s already squirming, and I bite down, softly teasing her with it.

I circle her clit with my tongue, over and over. Every time we’re together, I learn something about her, and I’ve already learned that I can lick her to climax if I just keep going, keeping it steady. Ollie pushes the thong down her legs, and I don’t stop, helping her pull it off while I seal my mouth over her. I take a second to dip inside her pussy and taste the sweetness there, but only a second. And then I’m back on her clit and loving every second of it.