Page 24 of Poisonous Savage

"Yourbrother,"Istarted.Ireally didn't want to get into this, but starting off on a lie wouldn't bode well for the future. "Wegrew up together—more than friends, less than blood.Butit was always clear, his world, my world—it wasn't meant for you.Youprobably don't remember me.Youwere always so caught up in the sun and the waves.Tryingto be all bossy and shit, it was cute.Theday your brother tried to sell a night with you to a rival for peace...Isnapped.Idid a lot of thingsI'mnot proud of, butI'ddo them all over again if it meant protecting you."

"Whatdo you mean?"

"Whenyour brother died, we were right about turning 19.Yourdad was ready to hand overTheBlackHands, butTony... he was making reckless decisions.Theothers wouldn't listen to him,Hunterincluded.We'dhad a whole plan.TheBlackHandsandTheCinderCrewwould become one, ruled byTony,Hunter... and me.ButTony... fuck, that kid.Hepromised someone that you'd be able to fulfill his fantasy and..."

"And?"Hereyebrows raised, her eyes wide.She'dnever heard this, andIdidn't know how to say it gently.

"Ikilled the fucker.Strangledhim to death.Thenext one, same deal.Ikept killing them, andTonynever figured out who was doing it.Untilone day,Ikilled the wrongperson, and their clan got pissed.Killedyour brother.I'dsayI'msorry, butI'mnot."

Shepaused as she absorbed my words before she smiled gently, placing her hand on my shoulder. "Idon't blame you.Tonywas... he was something else.Helived his life and paid the price.Muchlike we all will, eventually."

"Inever wanted you to become a part of this.Itried so fucking hard."

Shepulled back slightly, studying me as if piecing together a puzzle where the pieces didn't want to fit. "Andyet, here we are."

"Herewe are,"Iechoed, a rueful snort escaping me. "Hunter, he doesn’t do attachments.Women—they come, they go.Butwith you..."Myvoice trailed off.Ihated rooting for the competition, but... he really did love her in his own fucked up way.

"Tellme,Marco," she pressed.

"Neverseen him give a damn like he does about you,"Iadmitted, the words grating against my insides. "Notonce.It'salways been...temporary.Fuckand chuck, no looking back.Iknow he's harsh with you, but... the man does love you."

Rosalindabsorbed my words, her eyes wide, searching mine for the lies that didn’t exist.Hertouch, light on mychest, felt like a brand, burning to whatever part of me had managed to remain untouched by this life.

"Marco," she whispered, andChrist, the way she said my name—it was a plea, a prayer, a condemnation all at once. "I...Idon't know what to say."

Theroom closed in around us, the walls witnesses to confessions and crimes alike.Withher, it was different.Shewas the flicker of hope.Andme—Iwas the bastard who'd drag her down into the abyss ifIwasn’t careful.She'donly seen the parts of meIlet her see.Ihad ugly parts, just as bad, if not worse thanHunter.There'sa reasonI'mhis right hand.

Myhands tighten around her. "Thisthing between us?—"

Theshrill ring of my phone interrupts me, a jarring counterpoint to her soft breaths against my skin.Myhand shot out, fingers closing around the device like a vice.Rat'svoice buzzed through the speaker, each word slicing into the quiet morning.

"Boss, it's now or never.TheBlackHands—they're sniffing around again.Gotto get our shit from the warehouse to the docks, pronto.Theyjust fuckin' blew up the east side warehouse.Gunnalose millions if they catch wind of this one."

"Beright there.Startpackaging.CallStiltand bring the truck.Gunnamove shipping day to tonight."

Theurgency inRat’stone was like a punch to the gut, dragging me back to reality.Ihung up with no goodbyes.

"Trouble,"Igrunted, casting a glance atRosalindas she lay there, a sliver of sun painting gold on her dark curls. "Gottamove.Now."

Iswung my legs out of bed, feet hitting the floor with a thud.Herfingers brushed my arm, a silent plea to stay thatIhad to ignore.Iwas a man divided—duty pulling me one way, desire the other.

"Getready,Rose.Ihave to go, and so do you,"Itold her, my voice gravel, my mind already racing through the logistics of moving thousands of pounds of contraband under the nose of the enemy.Thewrong person at the wrong time would see me in a body bag.Orworse.

Sheslid out of bed, the sheets falling away from her body, leaving nothing to the imagination and everything to want.Butthe sight couldn't hold me—not when a war was brewing outside these walls.Ihad a job to do.Awoman to protect.Shemoved to dress, andIturned my back, not out of decency but necessity.Ihad to switch.Tostay sharp, hard, unyielding.

Iwas the shield and the sword for theCinderCrew, and today,I’dbleed for them ifIhad to.

Herfootsteps were quiet as the door clicked open, and she made her way downstairs, leaving an echo of her scent and a fucking chasm in the room where she stood seconds before.Iwanted to say something.Anythingthat was sweet and kind, but this was business.

Hershoulders were tense, her eyes were glued to the spot she had vanished from, andIwas torn between the softness of her skin and the hard reality waiting beyond these walls.Mychest tightened—a vise of longing squeezing around my heart.

Footstepsbroke the silence—Hunter’sunmistakable loud tread.Theair changed, charged with tension, heavy with unspoken shit we couldn't ignore.Hestopped outside my door, leaning against the frame.

"Gota plan for the warehouse,"Imuttered, standing to face him—the solid ground beneath me, shitty situation ahead. "I’lltake care of it."

Hisnear-black eyes flicked past me, searching for something that wasn't there. "Rosalind—" he started, his deep voice rough.Manlooked like he hadn't slept.Hada lost puppy look to him.Almostfelt bad for fucking his wife, but not bad enough to wish it didn't happen.Orenough thatIwouldn't do it again.

"Talkto her,"Icut in, blunt as a hammer to the face. "Fixyour shit.Sheain't just some piece to play with.Sheloves you, dumb fuck.Stoptreating her like trash and start shining her like the diamond she is."