Page 51 of The Prince's Mate

"Apartment. We still have a job to do, after all," I said, and he grinned. Turning to the Dads, he asked, "Are you guys coming with us?"

Damien eyed his son, then me, and then finally our joined hands. Shaking his head, he stepped closer and pulled me into a hug. His clothes were already bloody so I didn't mind too much. "I'm glad you're okay, Cae."

"Thanks for the rescue," I said with a grin, and he rolled his eyes.

"Like you needed it, Mr. Badass. But for what it's worth, we'll always rescue you. You're family," he said as he pulled back, and I smiled up at him.

"Family," I agreed.

"You coming, Ro?" he asked, glancing at the giant snake-dragon, and Ro shook his head.

"I'm staying with them," he declared, and I had a feeling he wasn't letting either of us out of his sight for a while, which might put a damper in my plans for Walker. I had a proper love declaration to make, after all.

Ro'Shassz shrank back into his normal size, and then surprising me, slithered up my leg instead of Walker's, and curled himself around my neck. I raised a brow at Walker, and he merely shrugged before turning to his dads. "Thank you so much for your help. We'll come by later. Oh, here," he said,pulling Andras's soul out of his pocket and handing it to Damien. "That belongs in the Chasm."

"We'll make sure it ends up there," Day assured him, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, I was free.

"And Walker, you don't have to thank us, little one. You’re still our kid," Arty said with a shake of his head, and Walker smiled sheepishly.

He turned to me with a sigh, squeezing the hand he hadn't let go of yet. "Back to the apartment, then?"

"Yes, please," I answered, very much ready to be back in a familiar place, in the apartment we'd finally found each other in.

Magic stirred around us, and then we were in the brightly lit living room of the apartment. Glancing down at myself, I winced at all the blood clinging to me. I looked like the cast of one of my horror flicks, and I needed to get cleaned up stat.

"I need a shower," I said, and Walker bit his lower lip.

"Can I join you?" he asked, and I smiled.

"I'd love that," I answered readily, and Ro'Shassz straightened up.

"CanIjoin?" Ro'Shassz asked, and my eyes widened.

"No!" Walker and I answered simultaneously, and he huffed. Slithering off me, he shook himself, and poof went all the blood that had clung to him. I knew I could clean up with my magic too, but it just didn't feel the same as a warm shower. Plus, there was no way I was going to skip an opportunity to share a shower with Walker.

"Come on," I said, tugging him to the bathroom. I shrugged out of the robe as soon as I was inside, wincing a little when it tugged against one of the gashes Andras had given me when he'd clawed at my hips and lower back.

"You're hurt!" Walker said with a gasp, and I smiled reassuringly at him.

"I'm fine, Walker. It's healing," I assured him, but he still turned me around so he could get a look. I turned the knob, and warm water started spraying on us, forcing Walker to step back and get out of his own clothes.

I stepped more fully under the water spray and watched as rivulets of pink slid down my body and into the drain, the last remnants of Andras sluicing off my body. I went to grab the bodywash, but Walker stopped me, tugging my hand away and taking the bottle himself.

"Let me," he said in a soft voice, and I nodded as I watched him pour some onto his palm before putting the bottle away. Lathering up, he placed his palms on my chest and started washing me.

I didn't think anyone had ever washed me before, and I hadn't known it could feel this good. Walker's palms on me felt amazing, warm and caring, and so gentle. It was the gentlest touch I'd ever received, and after the day I'd had, I sorely needed it.

"Would it be too much if I asked you to do this every day?" I asked, then squeezed my eyes shut because I was afraid of his reaction.

"I'd love to do that," Walker replied, and my eyes snapped open.


"I enjoy taking care of you," Walker said with a shrug. "If you could eat, I would've brought you a dozen kinds of sweets—or snacks if you're more the salty type—but doing this for you? I like it a lot."

"Me too," I agreed with a smile, and he grinned.

"I was so worried when I came home and you were gone," he murmured softly, traces of fear still lingering in his eyes.