Afterward, Cam and Micah's parents wanted to meet so we could tell them what happened last night in more detail, andCam said yes since he also wanted Raiden's opinion on his magic. Kai locked his coat back up before returning downstairs just as the doorbell rang, and Cam hurried over to open the door for his dads, Micah's dads...and Micah's brothers.
"What the hell, guys? Why weren't we invited to this super-secret midnight mission of yours?" Mateo demanded, eyes flicking from Cam to Micah.
"Because we didn't need any more help. I didn't even have to do anything. You would've gotten bored just standing there," Micah said, and Mateo smirked.
"I'm sure we'd have found something to entertain ourselves with."
"And you wonder why we didn't invite you," Micah muttered, making his brother's grin widen.
After Cam and Micah had given everyone a full recap of last night's events, Raiden smiled at his son. "I'm glad you were able to get things done with minimal damage." The fact that Raiden considered the mage's destroyed home 'minimal damage' made me wonder just what actual damage looked like to him.
Micah snickered, and even I struggled to hide my smile. Cam shrugged, owning his chaotic nature, which was just one of the many reasons why I adored him. There was never a dull moment with Cam around.
"Tell him about your magic," I prompted when it looked like he'd forgotten all about it, and his eyes brightened.
"Oh! Right, I totally forgot. DD, I think I found my power type, but I'm not quite sure what it is."
I had an idea, but I'd only ever heard whispers of dragon magic like his, rumors and stories of a time long past, which was why I hadn't said anything. Raiden would know if I was right, and I'd rather he be the one to decide.
"What happened?"
"Well, I intercepted the mages' magic before they could hit the others and instead of getting hit, I kind of... absorbed their magic? And then I was able to shoot it back at them with my own power added to the spell."
Raiden's brows went up, his eyes widening. "That's...I didn't think that was possible."
"Do you think so too? I had a suspicion but I didn't want to say anything until we talked to you," I said, and Cam's eyes slid between us.
"What? What's going on?"
"There's a type of dragon that is more powerful than even other dragons. I didn't think any of those existed anymore, or could exist again. But if what you're saying is right..."
Cam's brows shot up. "I'm stronger than all the other dragons? Thanyou?" The disbelief in his voice was thick, and Raiden smiled, shaking his head.
"You're too young right now, but someday, yes. You'll be more powerful than me, than any other dragon, and most supes. You're what we call a void dragon. You have the ability to eat magic, so to speak. You can absorb anyone's magic and use it yourself. It gives you a few extra... abilities that most dragons don't have."
"Wow," Micah murmured, and Cam's gaze slid to him.
"You don't think that's scary?"
Micah snorted. "I could never find anything about you scary, Cam."
The answer obviously pleased Cam, and he grinned as he turned back to Raiden. "So what are the other perks? Anything useful?"
Raiden had a thoughtful look on his face, and his eyes flickered from Cam to the rest of us.
"There is one thing. Because of your powers, unlike other dragons, you don't need another dragon to... procreate."
We all stared at him as my mind went blank. Procreate? Was he serious?
"I'm not saying you have to make use of that now. Or ever. It's just the biggest benefit. It's why all the dragons mourned when the last void dragon died. They can take anyone's magic to create eggs with, unlike other dragons who can only use a dragon's magic or their mate's,iftheir mate is also a dragon."
"So you and Dad were only able to create the eggs because Dad's a dragon now?"
Raiden nodded, then shared a glance with William.
"I don't even want to imagine what Cam's kids would be like," Miles said, and Mateo snickered.
"They'd be a riot."