Pulling away, he gave Ember a hug as well, disappearing beneath our mate's massive arms for a moment. Damn, Ember gave the best hugs.
"It's late. Come on, let's go to bed," Ember said, then glanced down at Kai. "Would you like to join us? Just to sleep?"
Kai didn't even hesitate when he nodded, and I smiled widely, taking his hand into mine before stopping. "Oh, do you want to take that?" I pointed toward the safe, and he chewed on his lower lip for a moment before nodding.
Kai picked up his safe, and then we all headed into the master bedroom.
Fifteen minutes later, we were all under the covers, Kai and I in the middle with Cam behind me and Ember on Kai's other side.
Kai and I were facing each other, Kai's head tucked under my chin, his arm wrapped around my waist while mine lay over his hip. Ember also had an arm over Kai, his hand cupping my hip, while Cam's whole body pressed against my back, leaving no space between us. The four of us would've fit on a queen bed with how closely packed together we lay, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
It took a while for me to fall asleep, but when I did, it was the most blissful, peaceful rest I'd ever had.
I hummed happily as I snuggled into the warm chest in front of me, not quite ready to wake up. I could hear the birds chirping outside, and Jodi was barking happily in the backyard. I wassurrounded in warmth, and my mind was blissfully quiet for now. I didn't have my shields up just yet, but I was still in that hazy sleepy mode where my brain wasn't active enough to be reading everyone else's thoughts.
I knew it wouldn't last for much longer now that I was waking up, so I savored every last moment of the peace before thoughts started filtering into my head.
That's the fifth time Kai's eyes have slid to the pond. He really needs to take a dip. That was Cam somewhere in the backyard, and I focused on the man beside me before I could latch onto Kai's thoughts, since I still didn't have his permission.
Micah feels so good in my arms. I'd happily hold him like this all day if I could.
My cheeks heated up at Ember's thoughts, and I pulled my shields up as I stirred, acting like I was just waking up. I couldn't deny it made me happy to hear what he thought, especially since I loved being held by him too. The way Ember held me just a little too tight made me feel secure, like I was in the safest place imaginable and no one would be able to touch me as long as Ember's arms were around me.
While I felt secure about my place in our relationship most of the time, it didn't hurt to hear I was wanted.
"Hey, Micah. Sleep well?"
I hummed happily, then peered blearily up at him, meeting his bright blue eyes. "What about you? Have you been up long?"
"A while. I wanted to lie in for a bit, so Cam and Kai decided they'd make breakfast today."
My eyes widened, and I jerked upright. "You let Cam into the kitchen?"
Ember's brows shot up at my reaction, and he slowly sat up too. "Uh, yes. He said he has some experience in the kitchen."
I snorted, unable to help myself. "Cam's only experience in the kitchen has been making blackened pancakes and almost setting the house on fire more than once."
Ember stared at me for a long moment, then shot to his feet. "Now that you're up, I think I'll check if Cam...needs some assistance."
I snickered as he raced out of the room, then fell back onto the bed with a sigh. At least I wouldn't have to deal with the mess this time.
When Ember stepped into the kitchen and got a good look at the place, for a moment, I thought he'd break down in tears at the sheer amount ofmessCam had created in an attempt to make scrambled eggs...which he hadn't even started on yet. Instead, he shooed Cam and me out, banning Cam from ever entering the kitchen without either Micah or him present.
"Why aren't you banning Kai too?"
"Because we both know you're the only one responsible for...this," Ember growled, grimacing at the countertop covered in...stuff. Seriously, how had Cam managed to cause so much chaos? I'd been sitting right there for most of it, and yet I couldn't say.
"Fair," Cam said with a shrug, then turned to me with a grin, putting me on my guard.
"Would you like to take a dip in the pond while Ember makes breakfast? I'm sure you're dying to put on your coat again."
Had he noticed my eyes sliding to the pond while I sat at the counter? It wasn't like I'd been trying to hide it. I did want to take a dip, to put on my skin again and shift into my seal form.
"Okay," I said after a moment of hesitation. "Let me grab my coat."
I'd left the safe in the master bedroom, since I was sure now no one could touch my coat but me. Not that I didn't trust my mates or thought anyone could sneak into this house without one of us noticing, but still. I had a feeling I'd be a little afraid of it getting stolen for some time now.