My cheeks heated at the idea of curling up with all three of them on a cozy couch, maybe with a movie playing on the large flat screen.
Turning my attention to the screen, I ignored the gaze I could feel roaming over me.
"This one looks nice," I said after a while, my voice a little strained.
Cam leaned closer, his heat soaking into me as he peered at the screen.
The couch I'd chosen was a soft brown color, a woodsy shade that would go well with the furniture in this room, and it was almost double the size of the one we had now. It also folded out into a bed, so it would be big enough for...for other activities.
"Oh, I like it. Let's see what Micah and Ember think, and then we'll place the order."
It was thirty minutes before Ember and Micah walked into the living room, plates in both their hands.
I hopped up to take one from Micah, while Ember gave the other one to Cam before settling on the armchair.
Micah slid in beside me after asking for my permission, sandwiching me between him and Cam, and my cheeks heated again at their proximity.
Cam had spent the past thirty minutes telling me about Mistvale, about his mom, and that he was trans. The last one had been a surprise, and if he hadn't told me I never would've known, but it made me see him in a new light.
I'd assumed he'd led a charmed life, that he'd always had everything he could ever want, and how lucky he was. But that was before I knew he'd lost his mom at an early age, and then, asif that wasn't heartbreaking enough, he'd had cancer. That was when Raphael had saved his life.
Cam might have everything he could want now—except his mom—but he'd earned it all. After everything he'd been through, I thought it would be unfair for him to face any more hardship.
"Earth to Kai." Cam's voice broke into my thoughts, and I blinked, glancing at him.
"Sorry. I was lost in thought. What did you say?"
"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with us. Maybe we could watch a movie together?" Cam suggested hopefully, and it didn't take me long to give him a nod.
After talking to their dads, I was more sure than ever that I'd get my coat back, that my mates would get it back. There was no point in worrying about it until it happened. Instead, I was going to take this time to get to know the three men Fate had picked out for me.
We finished eating, and Cam ordered the brown couch with express shipping after Micah and Ember agreed that it was a good choice. Then, we settled in to watch a movie, Cam, Micah, and I on the couch while Ember stayed in the armchair. Yeah, we really needed a bigger model.
It'd been two days since Saaya went on her "mission." She hadn't come back yet, but Micah had assured me she was okay.
Over the past two days, I'd spent every waking moment with Cam, Micah, and Ember, and I was starting to get to know them well.
They'd asked me—well, Cam had done the actual asking, but it'd been on behalf of all three—a few nights ago if I'd be uncomfortable with them being intimate with each other. He'd assured me that they didn't mind abstaining until I was ready, but I'd waved him off. I knew they'd met Ember only a short while ago, and I didn't want them to hit pause on their relationship because of me. I'd assured them I was fine with it.
But later at night when I lay in my bed with theirs just a wall away, I couldn't help imagining what they were doing. Fantasiesand images had filled my mind, and I'd hoped to god Micah was too busy to hear my thoughts. Not that I thought he'd break his promise of not reading my mind.
"What are you thinking about?" Cam's voice pulled me out of my musings, and I blushed instantly at his question, which made him grin. "Oooh, that's an interesting reaction. Were you thinking about something dirty, Kai?"
I rolled my eyes at him, and he chuckled, his green eyes sparkling merrily. I'd never known anyone as bright as Cam, and over the past few days, I'd discovered that he was a genuinely happy man. He was always trying to make everyone around him happy, whether it was with a joke or a prank or simply by keeping them company.
"Don't torture our mate, Cam," Micah murmured, his eyes still focused on the book he was reading. He was curled up in the armchair with his knees pulled up to his chest in a highly uncomfortable-looking pose, but he seemed perfectly content as he read the thick tome he'd been toting around for the last two days.
"I'm not torturing him!" Cam protested, eyeing me like he was hoping I'd concur.
"Maybe a little," I admitted, and he sucked in a gasp, pressing his palm to his chest rather dramatically.
"Oh, my dear Kai. How could you say that?"