"We'll help you get it back," Micah offered, and Kai's eyes widened.
"You would? Why would you do that?"
Micah stared at Kai for a moment, then shook his head. "We don't want it for ourselves. When we get it back, it'll be yours, as it should be."
Kai sucked in a breath, and Micah spoke again before he could. "Yes, I'm a telepath. I was waiting for the right moment to tell you. Ember is a phoenix."
"Fuck." Kai's eyes flashed between us, his surprise clear.
"Who stole your coat?" Cam asked, breaking his unusual silence. I had a feeling his dragon was itching to come out and hunt down whoever had hurt our mate.
Kai scowled, then glanced back at the water the way he'd come. "Do you know of Ravenshire?"
Micah sucked in a breath, his face going pale as he stumbled back as if Kai had physically hit him, and then Cam was there, wrapping his arms around Micah.
"It's okay, princess," he murmured softly, then turned to Kai, his green eyes hard like emeralds. I'd never seen that look on his face before, but I assumed that was what Cam looked like when his dragon was close to the surface, burning to protect his mates. "It was a mage?"
Kai nodded, a puzzled look on his face as he glanced between Cam and Micah. The hint of concern in his eyes almost made me smile. He might not be able to feel the bond between us, but he was still drawn to us.
"He tricked me," Kai admitted in an embarrassed grumble, then glanced between us. "Do you really mean it? You're my mates?"
I nodded, reaching forward to take his hand in mine again before stopping short and letting my hand fall. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable.
"We are. I know you can't sense it, and you have no reason to believe us, but we're not lying. And wewillhelp you get your coat back," Cam declared, a bit of a growl slithering into his voice.
Kai glanced between us, eyes full of indecision, then exhaled loudly.
"Hell, what do I have to lose?"
Well, that was one way to agree, I supposed. As long as Kai wasn't running away just yet, we could work this out.
"Everything will be okay," Micah said, the slight tremor in his voice betraying his anxiety about his old hometown. I knew he didn't have many fond memories of that place, but maybe this whole situation would give him a chance to get some closure instead of reopening old wounds.
All I could do was hope, and be there for them when my mates needed me.
As I followed the three supes through the woods, I wondered if I'd made another mistake believing them.
The last time I'd trusted someone, he'd stolen my coat.
He'd been nice and kind in the beginning too. Friendly. But then as soon as he had what he wanted, he'd shown me his true colors.
All I'd wanted was to explore the world on land, and instead, I'd lost the most important thing in my life.
There was one big difference between him and these three, and that was the only detail that kept me from leaving them.
Unlike with him, I had nothing of value for these three to steal. There was no reason for them to trick me, especially with something as ridiculous as a mate bond.
A trickle at the back of my neck pulled me out of my thoughts, bringing the ache in my head to the forefront of my mind, and I wiped it off, expecting more water.
Instead, I was surprised by the red covering my fingers. Shit, I was bleeding.
Ember, who'd been walking beside me, grabbed my hand, stopping us both. A frown filled his face as he reached for the back of my head with his other hand, gently brushing my hair to the side as he searched for the injury.
"I'm okay. It doesn't even hurt. I swear," I insisted, strangely weirded out. When was the last time someone had touched me like this, with such care and gentleness? It felt foreign but so damned good.