"Take a breath, Cam. We have all the time in the world," Micah said, probably sensing I'd started to feel a little overwhelmed.
Okay?Micah asked in my mind, and I smiled.
I'm okay. Just don't know how to deal with all this happiness. Somehow, it was easier to make that confession in my mind than saying the words out loud.
Micah's lips stretched in a wide smile and he leaned up to press a soft kiss to my lips. "I know exactly what you mean." He turned to look at Cam, who was watching us with a smile. "Do you want to stay—"
Cam raised a hand, stopping Micah mid-sentence, and his brows furrowed as he turned to face the river. "You hear that?"
As a dragon, Cam's hearing was better than mine, and much better than Micah's. Whatever had caught his attention, I couldn't hear it yet.
"What is that?" Micah asked, and I realized he could sense whatever Cam was sensing through his thoughts. That was handy.
It was then that I heard the sound. There was something in the water, something that was moving this way.
My senses tingled, though I wasn't getting any danger signs.
"Stay here," Cam said before making his way down the incline, and I glanced between my mates, unsure what to do. I wanted to back Cam up just in case whatever was coming this way was dangerous, but I also couldn't leave Micah alone.
"Go," Micah urged, and I glanced back at him. Maybe sensing the danger through whatever link a familiar and mage shared, Saaya had slinked through the shadows, and was now wrapped around Micah's legs, her black fur seeming to suck the light out of the space around her. "Go. Saaya will keep me safe."
With a frustrated growl, I nodded and followed after Cam, who was standing right at the edge of the river, his eyes narrowed as he gazed upstream.
"Can you see anything?"
If he couldn't, I had no hope, but I still tried. The water was moving too fast for me to tell if any of the shadows under its surface were what Cam had sensed.
Something smacked against a rock jutting out of the water a few feet from us, making both Cam and me jump.
Recovering quickly, Cam rushed into the water, grabbing the form before the water could drag them away. He pulled them above the water, and I blinked at the beautiful face, freezing in my tracks.
The person was unconscious, their dark hair clinging to their face, their skin pale, but there was no denying what I saw. What I felt.
Cam glanced up at me, and as our eyes met, I knew he knew it too.
We'd found our final mate.
I groaned as my head pounded something awful. It felt like someone had taken my head and shaken it until my brain bounced around in my skull a few times, then done it again just for shits and giggles.
That's what I got for thinking I could swim just as well without my skin.
I shouldn't have left. I shouldn't have run away without getting my skin back. It'd been stupid.
Maybe I could sneak back onto the island somehow. I couldn't have made it far, right?
As my senses slowly aligned, I realized I was no longer in the water. I was on soft, dry land, with grass under my fingers and shade from trees falling over my closed eyes.
I froze when I realized I wasn't alone. Shit. Had someone fished me out of the water? What if it washim? Maybe he'd decided to follow me after all, decided I wasn't quite as useless as he'd declared earlier.
Even though I'd been thinking of going back to him moments ago, now that the possibility seemed more real, I didn't want to. I'd rather spend the rest of my life as a human and die a human death, whenever it came for me.
"Do you think they're seriously hurt? Maybe we should call Raphael," a voice said. It was soft and worried, and definitely nothis.
"We don't know where they came from. Waking up surrounded by strangers might scare them," another voice piped in, sounding a little calmer than the other one.