Page 6 of Cam's Treasure

"I'm glad we're home too." His voice was soft as he spoke, and I thought I caught an edge of something in his voice, but beforeI could ask him about it, he continued speaking. "I want to see everyone, which is saying something. It's been too long."

"Yeah. Don't worry—we'll make time for everyone."

Micah hummed happily, and I sent a text in the group saying I was heading to bed and that we'd see everyone soon.

Then, I placed my phone on the nightstand beside Micah's and turned on my side so I could pull him closer. Micah stuck his head under my chin, his nose and lips pressing against my chest. I ran my fingers through his silky hair, and within minutes, he was asleep.

I smiled down at him, at his slightly parted pink lips and slowly fluttering lashes, and pressed a kiss into his hair before letting my own eyes fall shut.

It felt good to fall asleep in a familiar bed, in a room that was as much mine as it was Micah's after all these years of sharing it. It felt good to behome.

We woke to rain pounding on the windows, and the sun shining through the droplets. The sight made me grin, because in Mistvale, rain wasn't just rain.

This rain meant that DD, or Raiden Hawthorne, as he was known by everyone else, was especially happy today, and I had a feeling that had something to do with the fact that his favorite—and only—son was back.

DD was one of the oldest dragons alive. Every dragon had a certain type of power. DD was a storm dragon, and so his emotions affected the weather of the area around him.According to him, there were only four other dragons out there other than our family, and most of them were as old as him.

When DD had settled down with my father around fourteen years ago, he'd 'claimed' the town as his. He didn't have any legal ownership of the town as a whole—only the houses and businesses he'd bought—but in the supernatural world, Mistvale was his domain. Any supe who came to Mistvale knew who the 'boss' was, and they had to abide by DD's rules if they wanted to stay. No one wanted an angry dragon as old as DD as an enemy.

When I'd first found out DD and Dad were mates, I'd done everything in my power to get them together with Raphael's help. I'd wanted Dad to be happy, and nine-year-old me had been ecstatic to have a dragon as my second dad.

But over the years, DD had become as much of a father to me as Dad was. I even had his DNA—or his magic, I supposed—that allowed me to turn into an amazing dragon. While I still hadn't discovered exactly what type of dragon I was since every dragon found their powers at different ages, that magic had allowed me to change my body into the form it was supposed to be, and for that I was very grateful. I knew how much struggle many trans people had to face to be true to themselves, and I felt lucky to have DD and such an accepting family.

DD was as much a part of me now as my dad and mom, and I loved him just as much, maybe even more than my mom, since I barely remembered her now.

"Looks like someone's having a good day," Micah mumbled as he blinked his eyes open, the sound of the pattering rain registering before he was fully awake. Or maybe he was reading my thoughts and talking about me.

"Yep." Glancing over at the clock, I patted his ass. "Come on, up you go. We need to get to Raph's."

Yawning, Micah sat up and stretched his arms above his head. My eyes flicked to the strip of skin revealed at his belly as theloose, baby pink shirt rode up, and I debated over the merits of pouncing on him.We could afford to be alittlelate, right?

"Nope!" Micah said, making me realize I'd sent that thought down our link. I still wasn't an expert at using the link, not that I ever cared about Micah reading my thoughts. There was nothing in my mind that I wasn't willing to say out loud, especially to Micah. Sure, it made it difficult to surprise him, but that was why I had a clan full of people who were always happy to help. "We're going to freshen up and get there on time."

Before I could stop him, he slid out of bed, and I sighed as I sat upright, rubbing my face before following after him into the bathroom. Our siblings were already up, and I could hear them downstairs.

Throwing my arms around Micah, I hugged him from behind, resting my chin on his shoulder as he brushed his teeth. He eyed me in the mirror, and then spoke through the link.You're especially clingy today. Everything okay?

Smiling, I squeezed him even tighter, sliding my nose over the side of his neck and breathing in his scent.Can't I just want to be close to my sweet mate?

Micah raised a brow at me in the mirror, as if he doubted my cheesy words. Granted, while I loved touching Micah in every possible way, I didn't usually put my love for him in words. It was another reason I was glad he could read my thoughts, because then he could see exactly how much I loved him without me having to spell it out.

Sighing, I dragged in a deep breath of his scent before meeting his eyes in the mirror.I honestly don't know. I just want to be close to you. My dragon's feeling a little antsy.

Spitting into the sink, he finished brushing his teeth before turning around and pulling me into his arms. He pressed a chaste kiss to my lips, but didn't deepen it since I had yet tobrush my teeth, his deep brown eyes peering into mine. "I guess we can hug for a little bit."

Grinning, I tucked my head against his shoulder, sighing happily as I leaned against him, grateful that we were practically the same height. There was no better place in the world than right here in my mate's arms.

Micah made a choked sound, and I wondered if he'd read my thoughts. Smiling, I pressed a kiss against his neck, then snuck my tongue out for a little lick. My dragon side loved tasting his skin, loved leaving hints of my scent on his body so everyone would know he was mine. Dragons could be a possessive sort, and I'd been protective of those I considered mine even when I was human.

"Okay, I'll brush my teeth now."

Micah hung around the bedroom while I freshened up, and then we got dressed. Our clothes were split between both our homes so we'd always have something to wear no matter which house we were in, and I couldn't quite pull my gaze away from Micah as I watched him slide into jeans that clung to his thighs, and a baby blue crop top that ended just above his belly button, showing off the piercing he'd gotten in Madrid.

When he glanced up, our gazes caught, and he sucked in a breath at whatever look was on my face, a light blush rushing up his neck. Then, he shook his head and turned his back on me. A soft grunt slipped past my lips at the sight of his ass, and I resisted the temptation to close the distance between us and palm them because I really did want to see Raph and everyone.

Instead, I focused on dressing up quickly, pulling on the first shirt I found and pairing it with loose-fit jeans, then grabbed our phones, putting them both in my pockets since I knew there was no space in his jeans.

Micah took my hand in his as we headed downstairs, and we peeked into the kitchen on our way out to tell the dadswe wouldn't be having breakfast here. Since they were in the group chat too, they already knew, and they waved us off with a smile, but not before Gus and Mateo spent five whole minutes admiring Micah's new piercing, much to his embarrassment.