Page 45 of Cam's Treasure

My cock hardened, and I leaned up, turning around to straddle Cam as the sheets fell to my waist, revealing both our naked upper halves.

"Cam!" I hissed, shaking my head and trying to blink away the images.

One scene stuck in my mind even after Cam had stopped thinking of it: Cam on his back, with Ember kneeling between his legs, his cock in Cam's ass while I fucked Ember from behind, his large arm securely wrapped around Cam.

I shuddered, and Cam merely grinned up at me, his eyes dark and sparkling with desire.

We can't do this here. Ember can hear us.

Cam smirked.As if we don't already have practice doing it within hearing distance of multiple supes.

I scowled.That's different. Ember's our mate. I'm not... I'm not ready to do anything with him yet, but I also don't want to make him feel excluded.

Cam's smirk softened, and he reached up, running his palms up and down my sides.

You're right. Sorry I pushed.

Grabbing my waist, he twisted, making me fall onto the mattress. I let him manhandle me, and he turned me until I was facing away from him, then pulled me close, spooning me as he tucked his chin against my shoulder.

I love you, Cam, I said, not liking the weird silence between us. I didn't want Cam thinking he'd done something wrong. I liked the way he pushed my buttons, because he made sure I kept moving forward. Without him, I was sure I'd be a stick in the mud, content to stay right where I was. Cam kept me on my toes, and I loved him for it.

I love you too.

Cam's arm tightened around me, and I sighed softly, ignoring both our hard cocks as I sank deeper into his embrace. We'd have time for sex later, but for now, I just wanted to sleep curled up in the arms of the man I loved, one room away from the man I might start to love someday soon.

The next morning, Ember cooked us an amazing breakfast, a full spread that spanned the length of the counter. There wasscrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, three glasses of smoothies, and coffee brewing in the corner.

"Wow," I said as we reached the counter, dressed once more in the clothes we'd worn yesterday.

Ember glanced up and gave me a wide smile that sent a riot of butterflies fluttering in my stomach, his blue eyes warm as they slid from me to Cam.

"Hey, you're up. Come, come. Eat before it goes cold."

"You don't have to tell me twice," Cam said with a grin, pulling out two of the stools under the counter and taking one.

I settled on the other, taking an empty plate and dishing myself some bacon and eggs.

Ember placed a smoothie glass beside my plate, and one near Cam's before taking a sip from the third and giving himself a nod.

Jodi came into the room then, her wide mouth open in a yawn, and Ember reached out to pet her as he glanced at us.

"I hope she didn't hog the bed too much. She's a little spoiled."

"Not at all. She was great company," I assured him.

"Well, except for that one moment when she was trying to wake me up and stepped somewhere she really shouldn't have," Cam said in an exaggerated mournful voice, and I winced when I remembered. His mind had gone blank for a moment, and then filled with all the profanities he knew. If I hadn't known he was hurting, I'd have found the whole situation hilarious.

Ember winced, and not just in sympathy but commiseration. Clearly, Jodi had tortured him a few times too.

We finished breakfast in companionable silence after that, each of us lost in our own thoughts. I was tempted to peek into Ember's, to see what he thought of us, but I resisted the urge. I didn't want him to think I was untrustworthy. This wasn't just about Cam and me accepting Ember as our mate. It was also about Ember accepting us as his mates.

After breakfast, we didn't stay for long, mostly because we knew one of our dads would show up at our house at some point to ask how the date went—probably one of mine, because I didn't think Cam's dads were going anywhere with those eggs in their house—and we wanted to be there when they showed up.

Jodi whined when we stepped out of the house, and if it wasn't impossible for a dog to ride a dragon, I might've been tempted to kidnap her.

Ember drove us to the abandoned building we'd landed at last night, and then stayed until I'd climbed on Cam's back and we were in the sky.

I was surprised to realize I was already looking forward to seeing him again.