Page 43 of Cam's Treasure

"It was my pleasure. I've enjoyed spending time with you. I hope I'll get to see you again."

"Are you kidding? You're never getting rid of us now."

"Cam!" Micah hissed, but Ember merely laughed, and the sound was warm, feeling like an auditory hug as it wrapped all around me.

"Nothing would make me happier," Ember said, his eyes first boring into mine, as if waiting for me to understand how serious he was, before moving to Micah.

I heard Micah's breath hitch, watched the way color rushed to his cheeks and his eyes darkened, and I grinned. Micah was into Ember big time. Whatever hesitation he'd been holding onto about meeting our mates, it was starting to melt away in the face of Ember's warmth.


After we'd finished our meal—if it weren't for Cam's similarly large appetite, I'd have been embarrassed about just how muchI'd eaten—we stayed there chatting for hours, never running out of things to talk about.

I learned that Cam had lost his mom when he was young, and that his father had met Raiden when he was nine. He very proudly explained how he'd played matchmaker to get them together while Micah fondly rolled his eyes and told me to be prepared to hear this story a million more times in the future.

The thought made me insanely happy, and not just because I was imagining our future together, but because Micah was too. I knew he'd had some worries about accepting me into their lives, but if he was looking toward the future, it meant he'd at least decided to give me a chance.

When we finally left, it was because it was closing time, and even as the owner of the place, I couldn't linger there, not when it would mean my employees would have to stay late to clean up after us.

I thanked Mindy, the woman who managed and ranHomeon a daily basis, for the great service and then led my mates outside, breathing in the crisp night air. It was close to midnight, and I pursed my lips as I glanced up at the dark sky. I didn't want them flying back so late, even though I knew it was unlikely they'd run across trouble in the skies.

"Would you like to come back to my place?"

When two sets of eyebrows shot up toward hairlines, I winced and amended my question, my cheeks turning hot. "I meant if you'd rather not fly at night. I have a guest room you can use."

I didn't want to rush things by inviting them into my own bed, even if I had no ulterior motives other than to hold them in my arms all night.

Cam and Micah had one of their mental conversations—Cam had explained to me that Micah had constructed a psychic link between them so they could communicate mentally—and I was as always fascinated and a little jealous. I knew it would taketime before Micah trusted me enough to create a link like that between us, and I accepted that. But that didn't mean I couldn't feel just a little envious. I wasn't perfect.

"Okay, we'll stay the night. We don't exactly have a reason to rush back home. Maybe we could talk some more before we turn in?"

"Of course," I agreed instantly, not wanting the night to end just yet.

The drive to my place was quiet, each of us lost in our own thoughts. Or maybe Cam and Micah were talking while I was lost in my own mind.

It was only when we arrived at my place that I remembered I'd forgotten to mention something very important.

"Are either of you scared of dogs?" I asked as I turned off the engine, twisting in my seat to look at them.

"You have a dog?" The excitement in Cam's voice was all the answer I needed from him, and one glance at the bright-eyed Micah assured me neither of them would have a problem with Jodi.

"Yeah, she's pretty big."

Getting out of the car, I opened their doors for them, then locked the car and led the way up to my house. It was a small but cozy house, with a warm wooden structure, two stories, and a sloping roof.

The click-click of Jodi's paws approached the door as I unlocked and opened it. She patiently waited just inside, and I smiled as her tail started to wag at the realization that we had guests.

"Oh my god!" For a moment, I thought Cam had said that, but then I realized, with no small amount of surprise, that it was Micah.

Cam grinned on as Micah rushed inside, offering his hand to Jodi for a sniff before petting her head.

"What's your name, pretty?"

Shaking my surprise away, I smiled as I closed the door behind them, turning to watch them shower Jodi with pets. She seemed to be having the time of her life, and I wondered if maybe I hadn't been socializing her as well as I should've.

"Her name's Jodi. She's a sweetheart."

"Yes, she is," Micah agreed, none of his earlier nerves or hesitation visible as he ruffled her ears, then kissed her just above her nose. He laughed when she started licking his face, but didn't pull away. "She's so big."