Micah was the sexiest man on the planet, and never more than when he was dressed like this. The day Micah had discovered his love for all things femme was one I would never stop feeling grateful for.
The outfit I'd picked out reminded me of something Wednesday from The Addams Family would wear. You know, if she wasn't a kid but still had that vibe going.
The leggings clung to Micah's skin, and with his black boots, I knew it would make his legs look phenomenal.
The dress clung to his upper half, the corset-style stitch making his waist look narrow while his hips looked wider, enhancing that femme look he had going.
It ended mid-thigh in black ruffles with white edges, and I had to ignore the temptation to stick my head under that skirt, pull down those leggings, and suck his cock into my mouth.
When I glanced up, Micah's cheeks were flushed red, telling me he'd heard my rather frisky thoughts.
Unrepentant, I merely grinned at him before dragging him over to the mirror. "Look at you, princess. You're stunning."
Micah's eyes met mine in the mirror before moving over his form as I slid my palms down his arms, then to his waist before stopping at his hips. He was the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen, and how lucky was I to call him my mate?
"You wanna put on some makeup?" I prompted, and he shot me a hesitant look before nodding, his own sense of style not allowing him to go out without completing the look.
When Micah was done, Ember wouldn't know what hit him.
Meeting at an abandoned warehouse probably wasn't the best way to start this date, but it was the closest place I could find with a big enough empty area for Cam to land, so that was where I was meeting them.
I'd arrived fifteen minutes early just so there would be no risk of them arriving before me, and I waited just at the edge of the clearing, my eyes scanning the sky every few moments.
I'd thought about this date over and over in my mind since I asked them out a few days ago, trying to make sure they'd enjoy every moment of it. I'd planned something that both Cam and Micah would like, but after only meeting them once, I wasn't confident in my ability of getting it right, despite all the conversations we'd had over the phone in the days since we first met.
Hopefully, they'd give me a second chance if I failed.
I felt Cam's magic before I spotted him and the slim figure on his back, and I watched them descend from the sky, completely in awe of Cam's dragon form.
I'd been too stunned from my crash to take it in the other day, but now I did.
The rays of the evening sun glinted off his purple scales, his wings large and powerful as he made a controlled landing.
I walked closer to them as they landed, gazing up at the dragon that was close to eight feet with his head lowered. He was three times my width, and only magic could hide away this beautiful dragon behind the equally beautiful man.
Rushing forward, I held out a hand to Micah, and he blinked at it in surprise before taking it. I helped him off Cam, and then watched as he removed a harness off his back with practiced moves. Clearly, they were used to flying places together.
As soon as the harness was off, Cam shifted back to his human form, his sparkling green eyes the only thing that remained unchanged, though the pupils did turn round from slitted in his human form.
My eyes slid to Micah, and I got my first good look at him. He was, without a doubt, the most beautiful man I'd ever seen.
While Cam was classically handsome, Micah wasbeautiful. The dark shadows over his eyelids and the faint makeup on his cheeks just emphasized his beauty, and his clothes? Wow.
I was speechless as I gazed at him, and I hoped he was reading my thoughts, because I wanted him to know what I thought of him, even if I couldn't yet verbalize it.
"Stunning, isn't he?" Cam piped up, making Micah blush, and I nodded quickly.
"Beautiful," I murmured, and Micah's eyes snapped to mine, searching.
Cam nudged him, giving him a look that I thought said, 'See? I told you!' and I wondered if Micah had been worried about my reaction.
Reaching up, careful to make sure Micah knew what I was about to do, I cupped his cheek, his skin smooth beneath my palm. He glanced up at me, his dark eyes peering into mine.
"You look amazing, Micah. I've never met anyone quite as lovely as you."
Micah's cheeks heated up under my touch, and he swallowed hard.