"Second of all, Micah and I spent the last few years roaming the world in the hopes of stumbling upon our mates, and now you're telling us you've been just a few hundred miles away all this time."
I shook my head in wonder, but then something he'd said repeated in my mind, and my brows shot up. "Did you saymates?"
"Uh, yeah. We have one more mate somewhere out there."
Another mate? Wow. Here I'd started to wonder if I would ever find my mate at all...
"That's wonderful," I said, and Cam grinned, while Micah gave a reluctant smile. I got the feeling he wasn't as enthused about the idea as Cam.
We talked for a while after, but then I decided it was time to go. I'd only planned for this to be a short flight, and I most definitely hadn't expected to find my mates. While I wanted to stay and spend some more time with my mates, I had to get back to Jodi. She hated being alone for too long, and I hated making her sad.
"I should be leaving," I said, and Cam blinked, like I'd said something unexpected.
"He has a home, Cam," Micah reminded him, and Cam stared at him as if he couldn't understand what he'd said. Had he expected I'd just stay?
The look on Cam's face when Ember said he was going to go would've made me laugh if I wasn't so damned nervous.
Our mate wasHot. Like, hot with a capital H. Cam's running mental commentary seemed to agree with me, and I wondered why we'd never talked about what our dream mates would look like, because Ember was definitely that.
Probably because I had a little mental freakout every time the topic came up.
Iwasstill freaking out a little. After our conversation last month, I'd started relaxing because I'd thought we had time. Cam had promised me that until I was ready, he wouldn't do anything to try to find our mates.
But it seemed like Fate didn't have the patience to wait for me to get my head on straight, and so she'd sent our mate crashing into our lives, literally.
"I would like to court you properly, if you'd agree."
"Court us?" Cam asked, amusement shining in his eyes. He was unnecessarily stoked about the fact that Ember was clearly much older than us, and I knew it was mostly because he loved driving his dads crazy.
Since his dads had a 2,000-year age gap between them, it wasn't like they had a leg to stand on, but Cam and I both knew it'd still bother them a little.
"Yes. I'd like to take you out on dates, get to know you better," Ember explained, his blue eyes warm as they flicked from Cam to me.
I found myself caught in their intensity, and my cheeks warmed when Ember continued gazing at me for far too long.
He likes you... Cam's singsong voice in my head finally made me jerk my gaze away as my cheeks darkened further.
Of course he did. He was our mate, so Fate wouldn't have picked someone who found either of us unattractive. Out of the two of us, though, surely he found Cam more interesting. Cam was actually talking to him, while I'd said nothing more than a few words.
Despite myself, I found myself peeking at Ember's mind in an attempt to ascertain if I still had a chance. It wasn't a competition between me and Cam, and if Ember liked Cam better, I'd understand. I loved Cam, and I knew there was no one better than him in this world. How could Embernotlike him?
He's beautiful, Ember thought, and even his mental voice was suffused with warmth.
I snuck a glance at Cam, agreeing with him completely. Cam's unruly hair and his bright green eyes always so full ofsparkles...he truly was a sight to behold. And when he shifted into his dragon form? Wow.
A little shy, but that adds to his sweetness, Ember thought, and I blinked, turning my eyes away from Cam. No one could ever,evercall Cam shy.I'll need to take extra-special care of him.
Wait. Was Ember thinking about me? My eyes flashed to his without a thought, and he met my gaze, a smile curving his lips as if he'd realized I'd read his thoughts and wasn't the least bit bothered by it.
You're a beautiful man, Micah, and I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.
I bit my lower lip, jerking my gaze away from him and staring down at my lap, reeling. He'd been thinking about me.Me. What the fuck?