Page 31 of Cam's Treasure

I had complete faith in Cam and his ability to protect me, but even he didn't know what this was. What if it was something stronger than him? What if it hurt him? Where was Raiden when you needed him?

As if in answer to my thoughts, magic stirred behind me, and I glanced back to see sparks of magic in the air. A portal.

The ball of fire crashed into the ground and went out at the same moment Raiden and William rushed through the portal, Raiden's eyes flashing as the sky above us rumbled in warning.

Lightning flashed, and I only had a moment to wonder if maybe Raiden was a little bit out of control before a bolt of lightning rushed down from the sky, headed straight for the spot where the other supe had crashed.

No!Cam shouted in my mind as he jumped between the two, the lightning hitting him full force.He's our mate.



Everything happened so fast.

I spotted the supe hurtling toward us, and my only thought was to keep Micah safe. Then the supe crashed into the ground, and the sky started rumbling—and where the fuck did DD come from?—and then I had only a moment to see the fair-skinned, bulky AF dude lying there before I felt a bolt of pure lightning headed straight for him.

DD really needed to chill.

I stepped between them without a thought, making sure to tell Micah why so he could pass the message along. I was hoping the lightning wouldn't hurt me since I was DD's son and all.

I was wrong.

Yikes, that hurt. It would've probably hurt our mate a lot worse, though, so I took it with a low growl, then turned aroundto growl at DD just in case Micah hadn't managed to tell him to stop yet.

DD's eyes widened, and then Micah told him what I'd told him, his voice wavering just a little. Shit. Micah hadn't wanted to meet our mates just yet, but it seemed like Fate had other plans.

I shifted back to my human form, then called out to Micah. "Come here!"

Carefully, I kneeled at the edge of the blackened circle our mate was lying in. He wasn't naked, which meant that he wasn't a shifter. Whatever other form he had, it was like mine. A magical form instead of a physical one that he could shift in and out of without losing his clothes.

He was unconscious, but his chest moved up and down steadily, which was good.

Like I'd noticed earlier, he was big. He was most definitely taller than us, probably even taller than Cassian, and bulkier too. The wordDaddydrifted through my mind, and Micah shot me a flushed-cheeked, wide-eyed look, making me grin.

"We need to get him inside," I murmured, then heard footsteps approaching. I shot to my feet and whirled around, my dragon just under the surface in case I needed to defend either of my mates again.

DD raised his palms in surrender, as if he could sense how close I was to shifting. "It's okay, Cam. I'm under control now."

I scanned his face, making sure he wasn't just saying it to make me feel better, then nodded.

"So that's him," DD said, and both he and Dad peered down at our mate, curiosity sparking in their eyes.

"Yeah, we need to get him inside."

"Of course." DD took a few steps back without offering help. Smart man. I didn't think I would be able to let anyone touch either of my mates right then. My protective instincts were inhyper-mode. Wait. Was this how DD felt every day these days? No wonder he had so little control.

"I haven't seen a phoenix in a long time," he added in a low voice, probably talking to Dad.

Our new mate was a phoenix. That was...interesting. Micah would kill me for this comparison, but it felt like someone had taken bits of Cassian and sprinkled it into bits of DD to create our mate. He had fire power, he looked like a mountain man, he could fly, and he was from an older species of supes...need I go on?

"No, please stop," Micah said in a strained voice, and I huffed out a laugh as I leaned down and picked the phoenix dude up. He wasn't light by any means, but Iwasa dragon.

I carried him inside, Micah close at my heels, and I was just laying him on the couch when his eyes flashed open, bright blues the shade of the hottest flames gazing up at me.

I backed away quickly just in case he freaked out at the unfamiliar surroundings—not that I would blame him. I'd already gotten fried by lightning. I wasn't interested in tasting flames too.

He sat up, careful blue eyes scanning his surroundings. His gaze got stuck on DD for a beat before returning to me and Micah. He tilted his head, examining us carefully, before his lips curved up in a small smile.