Cam pulled away from my lips to glare at me. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but no. We're not having sex right now. Because if we do, I'd want you to take your time with me, and then we'll be late."
I chuckled at his disgruntlement, though I was glad he was truly ready to head home. As much as I'd enjoyed seeing all these beautiful countries with Cam—Japan had been my favorite—I was ready to go back to Mistvale too. No matter how beautiful the places we visited were, they would never feel like home.
"Give me one more kiss and then we can pack our stuff," I offered, and he grinned.
"Deal," he said, before pulling me close once more.
Nothing was more freeing than flying through the clear skies with Micah. I could go anywhere, do anything, as long as I could fly and I had Micah with me.
But right then, I had a destination. A small, beautifully rainy town called Mistvale. Home.
It'd been a while since we'd been home, and I hated that. I'd let the search for our mates consume my mind so completely that I'd ignored everything, including the people I loved more than most things.
I still talked to most of them every day, but it just wasn't the same.
What are you thinking about?Micah's voice in my head brought a smile to my face, though I'd been told my dragon smile looked more like a grimace. Adeadlygrimace, which I didn't mind so much.
Over the years, Micah had honed his mind-reading skills so that now, along with reading someone's mind, he could also send thoughts and words into their mind. While he usually tried not to read my mind—despite my repeated assurance that I didn't care—we had what we called a link, a place in our minds where we could trade words without revealing all our thoughts. Micah had helped me create mine, and those few months had been the only time in my life I'd ever willingly meditated. Seriously, how did people stay still for that long when they weren't sleeping?
Uh, how boring meditation is?I answered his question, and his soft laugh floated through the evening air. Our call with ourdads was scheduled for eight, so we had about three hours to get home. I was confident I could make it as long as there weren't any complications. Like rabid seagulls, or low-flying planes. The usual stuff.
Why am I not surprised? Anyway, do you remember whose house they're going to be at tonight?Micah asked, and I racked my brain for an answer. To make things easier for us, our dads usually got together at one of their places—along with my sister Amelia and Micah's brothers, Miles and Mateo—for these calls, but I had no clue where they were going to be tonight.
No idea. But you can easily find out where they are once we get there.
That's true. I'm really excited to see them, especially Mateo and Miles. They're so big now!
I smiled at Micah's enthusiasm and the way he talked about the twins like they were still kids and not twenty-three.
Micah was such a sweetheart, always had been. He was also the only one who could handle me. Sometimes, I worried our other mates wouldn't be able to handle the chaos that I created daily, that maybe the reason Micah and I met so young was so he could learn to deal with me, but I put my faith in Fate. She'd never led anyone in Mistvale wrong, and I was hoping the same would be true for Micah and me.
The rest of the flight passed by in a blur of conversations interspersed with comfortable silence, and soon enough, we'd crossed the border into Mistvale. I wondered if DD—my 'dragon dad,' as I fondly called him—could sense our arrival, and whether he would keep it a secret from the others. Maybe I should've texted him earlier to tell him not to tell Dad and the others. It would suck if he ruined our surprise.
Being as quiet as I could, I landed on the balcony of my dads' place. Neither of us had technically 'moved out' yet. All ourthings were still at our dads', but now that we'd decided to move back, we'd probably need to find a place.
Micah leaped off my back once I'd landed, then pulled off our bags and the harness so I could shift back.
"That," I declared as I stretched my arms above my head, "was a marvelous flight."
"We didn't get attacked or get lost, so I'm calling it a win," Micah agreed, and I grinned as I wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him close.
Smacking a kiss on his cheek, I sighed. "So, are they here?" I asked, and Micah focused for a second before shaking his head.
"Looks like they're at my dads' place," he said, and I pulled back, sliding my hand into his.
"Let's drop our bags in my room for now, and then we'll go surprise them."
Micah nodded, and we each picked up one of the bags. After the long flight carrying them, I was supremely glad I'd let Micah convince me to pack light. Not that the weight was much for my dragon form. I could easily carry five times as much.
Since the majority of the residents of this house were dragons, the balcony door was rarely locked, and I grinned when it opened without trouble.
We made the way down the hall to my room—I'd moved into a bigger room on the second floor a few years ago so I could have my own, much smaller balcony—and ditched the bags just inside the door before heading downstairs.
The house felt eerie, all quiet, and our steps seemed to echo in the place. My stomach growled as we reached the landing, and Micah chuckled.
"Looks like the flight made you hungry. Want a snack before we head over?"